secret weapon

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"Are you guys fucking dumb? We're going to get ourselves killed," Jungkook spoke. He had been on-edge the entire time, watching, waiting, but never being able to get a word in. For the first time, Maya and Taehyung whole-heartedly agreed with the youngest. Taehyung, despite always getting into brawls with Jungkook, could nod his head and added in his own thoughts.

"He's right. This isn't a fucking game, Joon. This is our lives we're putting on here, and how can we even trust people like them?" The eight of them crowded in the hall, away from the cafeteria as they discussed what they could possibly do with the other eight, including Noah.

"Did you see the way they fought us in the kitchen? It was like they knew what to do and how to do things, they're not new," Taehyung continued. He was frustrated, more so, even. He was appalled at the decision that Hoseok, Namjoon, and Yoongi made out of the blue. "How could you make such a ridiculous and impractical decision like this without even speaking about it first?"

Taehyung paced the hallway, unable to get all his thoughts together as he only felt more angry as time ticked by.

"Look-" Namjoon started, but got cut off as Taehyung threw his fist at the wall right next to the other—barely leaving a dent, but only hurting his uninjured hand.

"What?" He exclaimed, leaning into Namjoon. "Look at the deathly decision you just made?"

"Taehyung," Jimin started. His hand brushed upon Taehyung's shoulders but was only dismissed as Taehyung aggressively shoved Jimin's hand off. Jimin actually agreed with Taehyung, but his indignation grew each time Taehyung felt like he had to solve every issue with violence.

"Stop," Seokjin broke, his self coming in between Namjoon and Taehyung—pushing Taehyung off as he lightly hit the wall behind him and slid himself into a sitting position. "Taehyung, get a grip—now," Seokjin was furious at the rift that had been created between the group.

So Taehyung sat there, on the ground—his mind in complete shambles because he didn't understand why this was happening.

"We are putting ourselves at risk, yes," Namjoon said. "We are putting our lives on the line, absolutely. It's a long shot, but they could be our key—this can give us an opportunity to shut them down-"

"There's eight of us, and hundreds of them. There's no counting how many members there are in Virginia and fuck, nationwide," Maya broke her silence. "That place ain't a place to fuck around and find out. Think about it. Isabella is dead, Noah is as good as dead, Three and Van escaped, and even if we get One, Hernan can just easily replace every single last one of his top men. You might not understand, but I do—Hernan does not have a weak spot, nor does he have mercy on any fucking one of us."

"Namjoon, I don't want to go back there," she finished. Her voice diminishing with each sentence she spoke. It was true; Hernan was a nasty, bitter man who couldn't handle any emotions or have mercy on anyone's pain. He's her weakness, because every last person she cared about before this had been killed by the heartless man.

Her mother.
Her father.

"I'd rather die than see his face again," as much as she would like to puncture a baseball bat through Hernan's skull, she was afraid of what might happen if she were to see her former boss' face again.

Namjoon sighed, his hand running through his hair repeatedly in frustration as he weighed out his options in his head: Continue to run away from them, or fight them head on.

He couldn't help but feel more drawn to the latter, because what if, what if he could just stop everyone's pain all at once? That's all he wanted. That's all he yearned for. For the killing to just halt, for his friends to stop running, for the pain in his heart to just go away. Unlike Namjoon though, the others saw it different. Taehyung didn't see it as them running away or fighting head on—he thought it was a suicide mission. Putting their lives on the line to get what in return?

"You won't go back there," Hoseok interjected, he turned to Namjoon—as if he was pitching his plan right on the spot. "Just because we're doing this operation doesn't mean all of us will go. Maya, Taehyung, and Yoongi should stay back."

Yoongi did not seem to agree as he shook his head before intervening the younger's pitch. "You will need me. You can't go in blind, hell I know that place like the back of my head."

"You will get caught-"

"I'd rather get caught than let you all go in blind," Yoongi responded firmly. They all knew nobody would be able to change the stoic man's mind.

"Making me look like a pussy," Taehyung scoffed. "I'll go too."

"You will not be coming, Tae," Namjoon spoke. "Who will be watching Maya?"

"Great—you make Taehyung look like a pussy and me like a child," Maya said. "You think I can't take care of myself?" She had her grip on the baseball bat, her stance defensive as her annoyance grew. It was everyday that the guys undermined her, as if she couldn't take care of herself.

The conversation itself was getting more aggressive, with everyone less than stoked about their roles in the operation. Namjoon sensed the hard tension amongst one another, but he knew what he was doing wasn't wrong. He wanted to help people, and this is how he starts.

"Listen, you're missing the point. We're not trying to make anyone feel like a child—we are trying to protect you," Namjoon said. "It's not a matter of who wants to go, but who should go. We have more men than we need, including those guys we ran into. If anything, we have at 12 people to run this, and Noah as leverage."

"All we need to do is play this game smart," Jimin added. "I'll stay back too, handle comms with Tae and Maya and if things go south, we'll be able to pull you out. Quite honestly, even if the other guys have six in their team, some of them don't seem as experienced as we might be—so we shouldn't be worried about them."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Jimin," Yoongi said. "We can't undermine people we don't know well, it can fuck us up. But you should stay back, handle comms and navigate since Taehyung was always bad at it."

Taehyung bit back his lip, ignoring Yoongi's jab.

The leader agreed though, his head nodding before he spoke. "It is settled. Taehyung, Maya, and Jimin—you three stay back to handle inside operations incase things go south. Jimin, Hobi, Yoongi, Kook, Seokjin, and I will go inside," Namjoon said.

"Yoongi will lead, he knows better than anyone, he is our secret weapon."

i swear i am alive

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i swear i am alive. just busier with school, work, and my social life. i appreciate your patience <3

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