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We sat in the back of the van, the engine of the car filling the silence. I kept my hands in between my lap as I stared at the surface beneath my feet.

"How much longer?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Hoseok glanced at the rear view mirror for a moment before looking down at the GPS. "We have an hour," he said.

I let out an exasperated sigh before leaning back against the van. My feet continued to tap against the floor as I stared straight ahead. Once again, there weren't any windows to see the view from. Hoseok could be driving me to my death, but I wouldn't know.

    "Eager, huh?" Van asked.

    "Says the one who insisted on going with me."

    "Nobody else would've volunteered anyway," He shot back as I scoffed. It was probably true, I didn't really know them — and it probably would've been Jimin if not Van. Although, Jimin seems to be depicted as a non-killer.

    "Fuck you."

    "Anytime, babygirl," I met his eyes as his lips formed a smirk.

    "Threesome?" Hoseok chuckled.

    "I see how you're all friends, now," I rolled my eyes. "Besides Namjoon, he seems pretty normal."

    "You and Namjoon seem to get along quite well," Hoseok said. "Both stubborn, and well, that's it. Definitely better than you and Jungkook, though."

    "Jungkook is naturally an asshole," Van added plainly. "You could do or say anything and all of a sudden all he wants to do is fight you."

    "Luckily you won't have to deal with him anymore, unlike us," Hoseok said.

    "He seems... light around Jimin, though," I mentioned, seeing as how Jungkook chuckled.

    "Him and Jimin are closest, people would think they were gay if they didn't know that Jungkook is straight-" Hoseok got interrupted as a bang sounded behind our vehicle.

Then something hit the van with a bang, giving it momentum from the other as it swerved out of control.

The van turned in a full circle, leaving black skid marks on the road. My hands grabbed onto the head rest tightly before Hoseok regained the cars control. "Fuck," his eyes trailed to the side view as he hit the steering wheel. "Shit!" He yelled.

In anger, he pressed onto the accelerator harshly as he rocketed the car into motion again.

I moved myself in between the two front seats as I took a look at the large side view mirrors. My eyes widened as I saw the large vehicle trailing behind us.

There was one masked figure sitting outside of the passenger window, waving his gun while another masked figure sat outside of the window behind the driver's seat with a weapon in his hands as well.

Van pushed me back onto the seat before taking a look at it himself. He said some words in a language I didn't understand before looking at Hoseok's angry state. "Fucking bastards," Hoseok mumbled.

Hoseok seemed to be quite calm in this situation. "Who do you think they are?"

"Definitely not 'The Legion', they wouldn't wear that, but they probably want our weapons and-" Van flinched as another was shot in our direction. "-Probably kill us after."

    The gunfire increased, the sound getting louder and more repetitive. I scooted closer towards the front as I avoided trying to get shot. "The fuck we gonna do? Are you waiting for me to get hit?"

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