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"Hello?" Melody answered her phone, confused but quickly smiled when she heard her grandniece giggle.

"Melody, it's me." Melody's face immediately turned to worry when she heard the panic in Stiles voice.

"Hope, can you come get Hayley." Melody called out to her niece, making her immediately speed into the room.

"Everything okay?" Hope asked as she took her daughter, but before she could get an answer the sound of a baby's cry went through the penthouse.

"It's okay Henrik, mommy's coming," Hope yelled to her son as she walked out of Melody's room with her daughter in her arms.

"What's wrong Stiles?" Melody demanded, making him gulp and send Mason a panicked look, who only sends one back.

"Alright, here goes nothing." Stiles mumbles, knowing as soon as he told her there would be a bloodbath.

"Spit it out Stiles." Melody hisses, she didn't mean to be so harsh but she didn't like the feeling she was getting or the way Stiles was acting.

"It's Brett." He rushed out, "Melody?" Stiles asked when the other end went quiet, "Melody, are you still there?" Stiles asked nervously while he glanced at Mason who looked equally as nervous.

"I'm on my way." Melody said before she hung up.


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