💜 Pinestripe37's Testimony💜

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This is Pinestripe37's testimony!

My beautiful chicken Pepe was in the process of slowly dying.

I remember praying on that terrifying day- on my knees on the bathroom floor- for one more day- just so we'd have enough time to say goodbye properly.

Instead God gave my hen the strength to thrive.

And thrive..

And continue thriving beyond what we'd ever thought possible.

She came close to death multiple more times and every time what brought her out was a prayer, followed by a sudden idea, advice, improvement, or happening, to help her out of it.

Despite her frequent health issues, Pepe was always happy and cheerful. We'd read with Pep and watch movies. My sister and I would take her up to our playhouse where we'd feed her crackers and tell stories into the night with her dozing on our lap. She was always right there to watch my mom cook and the sound of the oven beeping sent her flying into the kitchen with childlike excitement. Each memory is a beautiful blessing and the extra time we got to spend together was incredible.

The almighty Lord in all His Grace and Greatness gave us nearly TWO YEARS with our sweet Pepe, throughout which she was joyful and loved. She's with Him now.

It was when I surrendered -praying on the same bathroom floor I'd prayed those two years ago- praying that if it's best for the sweet bird she may rest in Heaven.. that was when He took her, reminding me to say "I love you" one last time before she was suddenly at peace in His arms.

We call Pepe our Angel Hen. Through her story God has strengthened my faith so much and Pepe was such a blessing, a miracle. What God did for this bird was a miracle- there is no other possible explanation and I'm forever grateful for all the beautiful time spent with Pepe which He blessed us with.

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