❤️2 Peter 1:3❤️

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Daily Bible Verse 20th July 2022

Today's verse is 2 Peter 1:3

We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God

God wants us to follow Him and worship Him. These please Him. When we show our love towards Him, then He is pleased by us. He wants us to be proud of our faith in Him and there is a party in Heaven everytime someone follows Him. God loves us and we have everything we need to show His love to others and bring them to Christ. Doing this, pleased Him. Anything God has planned for us in our lives, we have everything we need for it. Him. He is all we need. I saw this thing the other day that said: if it isn't God's plan, you won't be able to force it. If it is God's plan, you won't be able to stop it. Anything that happens, happens because God wanted it to happen. Trust in Him and you will have everything you need to fill our your purpose.

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