Chapter 15 - Electrifying

Start from the beginning

"No shit," Evan puts his hands behind his head. "When are you going to come party with us Prof?"

I open my mouth to say something, but I'm quickly cut off by another one of my students—Jeremy. Jeremy, who just so happened to be at the restaurant with Tyler and his friends the day Matthew and I were there. "Dude, she's been hanging out with Alpha, no way she's got time for us."

"What?!" My entire class erupts into huge commotion. A million questions being thrown at me that quickly make me feel self-conscious and unsure. I have to be their professor and maintain my composure, but it's hard to when I see shock, amusement, excitement, and other emotions all crossing my student's faces.

"Miss Holms," one of my students—Cassidy—squeaks with excitement. Her hands flying to her mouth like she just got giddy for her best friend. "We've all been dying for Alpha to meet someone."

I put my hand up to stop her, "Now hang on—"

"Tia Mia," another one calls out. "Just make sure he doesn't revert to the Dark Ages."

I raise my eyebrow, "The Dark Ages?"

"Why would you say that, Ryan?" Ashley hisses in his direction. Other girls rallying behind her and glaring at Ryan, who has an amused face. "You're such a dick."

"You guys need to calm down," I say more sternly this time. This is my classroom and I'm not about to have them all running around to stir the rumor mill. Once they're all quiet, I realize I can't help it and I point at Ryan, "What do you mean the Dark Ages?"

"Bro," Evan's eyes wide as he turns to his pal. "Why the fuck would you say that?"

"What?" Ryan shrugs, "It's valid."

"It's nothing Miss Holms," Ashley covers up for them. She clearly sees the confusion in my face. I give her quite a harsh stare, knowing very well that Ashley will fold. With a deep sigh, she looks down at her desk. "It's just a term we use around the pack, that's all."

"What's it supposed to mean?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. Everyone falls dead silent, suddenly all very interested in their desks or fingers.

"When Luna left," Ryan quickly fills in realizing no one else wants to talk about it. "Alpha was in such a dark place that the pack suffered. We almost disbanded and left. If it weren't for Beta Sage, I don't think this place would even be here right now."

Even the students in my class whose home pack isn't the Valley seem to know this story. They all look really nervous to tell it. Cassidy chimes in quietly, "The pack calls it the Dark Ages because of how gloomy and terrible it was for everyone. Alpha has been great though over the last few years. More caring and thoughtful than ever before. Honestly...probably one of the best Alpha's in our history. Really."

"That's true," Evan adds. "If it weren't for him, I would have failed accounting."

I try not to let this information get to me too much. If anything, it just makes me feel an immense pressure suddenly fall onto my shoulders. It even scares me more than I was before. If Matthew was in such a dark place after his mate left him, I can only imagine that he never wants to go back there again, which means...there really is a chance that he's just stringing me along.

I shake off this feeling and turn towards my slides. It's time to change the subject and get to my lecture. "Alright, we're going to fall behind because you've all used up class time. Let's talk about psychological traits that are found in different leadership styles."

The entire lecture, even though I'm teaching like my usual self and all my students are vigorously writing notes or asking questions, my mind feels like it's elsewhere. Matthew has mentioned that he went down a dark path after his rejection, but I guess it feels different coming from other people than him. It seems that his mate didn't only break his heart, but almost destroyed the pack.

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