" Look at your pathetic self , why are u even alive , you're unwanted, unloved, no one will even care if u die right...??? "

Suddenly her eyes landed on the pendent hanging on her neck...

" T...this protects me right, what if i take it off and try to.... "

Saying this she took off her pendent

( The pendent was given by her mom dad , it's like a protection Sheild for the hybrid,
made by her dad's mom , when they got to know that they had a gem in their hands..
it protects her , it helps her , it calms her , it's makes her feel better , it blocks her omega scent. ")

Turned around turning on the tap , she sat down in the bath tub drowning herself...

* Struggling to breathe "



* I can't breathe*


* I can't feel my body *.



* I feel light*



* Am dying right??...



* I won't wake up in my bed again right?? *


*... something is appearing in front of me eyeS .... It's ...its... I.. I..i can see a beautiful garden"



* Someone else is here!!..*


* W.wait m..mumma dada??.. *

Seeing her mom dad she ran towards them , calling out for them ,



she called out loud they both turned around , and smiled. They both looked so beautiful, calm , healthy , her dad was in his usual suit that he used to wear going to the office .

Her mom was wearing a beautiful pastel pink dress that she used to love alot and even y/n had the same . She was holding pink roses, that were her favourite and y/n's too.... Y/n was admiring them with glittery adoring eyes , it's been years since she last saw them.

She fell on her knees crying looking at the heavenly and her most awaited dream infront of her ... suddenly y/n got stunned , her sobs got stuck in her throat when she heard them...

" Baby , don't cry please, u know mumma doesn't likes her princess crying hmm ...!!.
Her mom spoke up in her sweet soothing voice..

" Why my tiger is crying, she is dada's warrior isn't she?.."
Her dad spoke in his encouraging voice....

Their voice made the girl break down even more..
It's been so many years that she almost forgot how they both used to sound like . She only remembered her mom calling her princess and her dad calling her his tiger....

She started crying with Hiccups...

She looked up and saw them moving away form her...
She panicked in the fear of loosing them once again....
She got up ran towards their direction crying... And shouting...




From the other side her dad spoke up...

" We aren't going anywhere baby , we were always here and will be for u "....

Their figures were still moving away from her ......


The girl cried and pleaded ...

She ran behind them but suddenly they both disappeared from her sight...

She shouted running here and there.. looking for them ..

"Mumma!! Dada!! Where are u please don't go away please come back i need u both please...!!!"..

She cried as she woke up in the bath tub in which she completely drowned herself...
She coughed several time in order to take out the water for her throat...
She got out of tub trying to breathe.....

She cried again....

"Why? Why? Why? Why? Did u both just save me again why , why i can't die .... She cried hitting the bathroom tiles weakly with her small fists....

Why me???....

Why my life is so miserable, why i can't even end my pain , why i am so pathetic, why am alone .








Hlo everyone 💚👀
Thank you so much for reading.

See u soon.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now