She shakes her head. "I'll be fine."

Knowing this, Steve and Jungkook rush back the way they came from. They had a cradle to find, and they had to find it fast.

'Did you guys copy that?' Jungkook spoke to his team through his earpiece as he runs back outside.

'We did.' Tessa answered.

'I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest.' Natasha made her team aware of what she had found.

'That could be him.' Steve said.

From his seat in the quinjet in the skies, Clint spots something. 'There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you, boys, on the loop by the bridge. It's them. Got three with the cradle and one in the cab. I could take out the driver.'

'Negative!' Steve was quick to disagree. 'That truck crashes the gem could level the city.'

Climbing on to the nearby overhead bridge with Steve, Jungkook spots the tuck heading their way on the road below them. In his head he quickly formulates a plan.

'We need to draw out Ultron!"

And that's exactly what they'd do... Both Steve and Jungkook wait for the perfect moment before they both run and jump from the top of the bridge. They were airborne for a second or two, before they came crashing down on top of the truck from the lab. Their heavy landing no doubt alerted Ultron of their presence.

"Go! Take out the driver!" Steve tells Jungkook, leaving himself to take on Ultron - brave guy.

Doing as he was told, Jungkook runs to the front of the truck, while Steve runs to the back. Using his strength, Jungkook hangs from the top with one hand, while he uses the other to rip the door from off its hinges, leaving the robot driving exposed to him.

Spotting Jungkook, the robot shoots at him, making Jungkook tuck in his knees to his chest whilst he hangs still to avoid the blast. He did, though was marginally close to being hit. Again, using his strength to his advantage, he propels his lower body forward and outstretches his legs in to the cabin of the truck. He smiles in success when his boots make impact with the robot, the sheer force propelling him out of the other side, taking the door with him as he fell to the road below.

Moving quickly, Jungkook throws himself in to the drivers seat and takes control of the vehicle again. Checking his mirrors, his doe eyes widen when he sees the back doors being blasted open, with Steve still hanging on. He winced when Steve's back met the side of the vehicle, feeling his pain.

"Hang in there, Cap!" Jungkook shouts.

Steve uses his feet to thrust the door back shut, only to be met with another blast that made the door come off its top hinges, barely hanging on by the still intact bottom ones. Steve lay there on the door as it scraped along the road, like it was a surfboard.

'Well, he's definitely unhappy!' Steve states the obvious.

'No shit!' Jungkook scoffs, eyes fixated on the road now as he swerved to avoid hitting civilian cars.

'You're not a match for him, Cap.' Clint warns.

'Thanks Barton.' Steve really appreciated the advice.

While Steve continued to fight Ultron and Jungkook steered the vehicle towards a more remote location, away from civilians, Natasha and Tessa prepared to play their part in this fucked up play.

"We got a window," Clint began to countdown. "Four, three, give them hell."

Again the ramp was lowered and both Natasha and Tessa jumped from the quinjet that flew close to the ground, both atop of motorbikes. The two females swerved between traffic, reaching high speeds as they chased after Jungkook driving the truck.

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