Chapter 6

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~Karma's P.O.V~

"That was fun!" (Y/n) said throwing herself to the bed. "Ill go change first." she said going to the bathroom. I laid myself down and brushed my finger through my lips. This feeling is it love. When she pecked me a while ago my heart skipped a beat. "Heh~" I mumbled.

I stood up and knocked on the bathroom door. "(y/n-san)~ are you done yet?" I asked. "Not yet." she answered. "So slow~" I mumbled. "Its not that im slow, your not patient." she answered back. "Heh~" I mumbled. She exited the room and I went in and started to change.

I laid in my bed, "Night (y-n)-san~" I said. "Night!" She answered closing the lamp light. Even after half an hour I couldn't sleep until a voice beamed, "Are you awake Karma-kun?" (Y/n) asked. "N-" I was about to answer until somebody knocked on the door. Who would want to see us at midnight. I got my knife in the cupboard and walked the towards the door and opened it. Without looking who it was I pointed the knife to the persons neck. "Karma-kun its Nagisa, I think you killed him from surprise." (y/n) said.

I saw Nagisa frightened in the floor. "Sorry Nagisa-kun." I said holding out a hand for him to reach. "I-its ok." he said nervously. "Why are you here anyway?" (Y/n) asked. "

"Well Koro-sensei accidentally fell asleep in me and Kayano's room. Can we sleep in your room even if its just one bed." Nagisa asked. "That octo-" I said but was cut of by (y/n). "Sure where's Kayano-chi?"

"She's still there, ill call her." Nagisa said after, exiting the room. "(y/n) how are we gonna fit in one bed?" I asked her a bit frustrated. "I can sleep on the floor." She insisted. "You shouldn't" I answered. "Then you sleep in the floor?" "I rather not. We could sleep in the same bed." I answered. She nodded hesitantly.

~Nagisa's P.O.V~

Koro-sensei wasn't actually in our room. After our first mission to make them but say they like each other, we planned this. I opened the door and gave a thumbs up to Kayano meaning that they agreed. We walked back to there room.

~Your P.O.V~

Kayano and Nagisa was knocking on our door now. I opened it and said "Welcome, you can sleep in the left bed." I went in the right bed making sure there was still room for Karma-kun. Karma-kun laid down facing the opposite way from me. After a while, Karma-kun unconsciously turned around and hugged me. "Night Karma-kun~" I whispered and closed my eyes.

~Next Morning~

"Wake up (y/n-san)~" A familiar voice who seemed to be Karma said. "5 more minutes." I mumbled. As I was about to sleep, I felt something gently touch my lip. "What was that for?!" I shouted as I bolted up from my sleep. "So that kiss did work~" Karma teased. "Your teasing me again." I said as I heated up. "Im going for a walk. What about you (y/n-san)?" Karma asked as he was about to exit the door. "Ill go to the gender dorm today, see yah." I said as he exited the room.

~In the girls dorm~

As me and Kayano was talking someone entered the room. It was Bitch-sensei. "Bitch-sensei why are you here?" I asked. "Some girl talk," she said sitting down then crossing her legs. "Who has a crush?" She continued. "Karasuma-sensei I guess." Rio-chan said. "No I mean from class E." Bitch-sensei answered back.

"N-nagisa.." Kayano hesitantly said. "You guys are perfect!" I said to Kayano. As everyone started saying there crushes in class E, all faces turned to me. "What about you (y/n-chan)?" Kayano said. "What about Karma?" Yukiko-chan said. I started heating up thinking about him. "If he was a little less naughtier, he would have been perfect." Fuwa-san said. "so what do you think of Karma?" sensei asked. "He really like to tease people, his annoying at times, but his really kind and very different I guess, being with him is how do I say, comforting.." I answered blushing the whole time.

"Ah~ So (y/n-san) does like me~" Karma's voice beamed from the door. I turned tomato red. "I-I-IDIOT KARMA!!" I shouted with all my might. "So... loud.." he mumbled. I ran out of the room. I ran out of the inn and ran out in the bear rain. "Idiot Karma!" I mumbled.

~Karma's P.O.V~

She ran... "(y/n-san)..." I mumbled. Its raining outside she might catch a cold. I ran to our room and got an umbrella and started looking for her. "(Y/N)!" I shouted repeatedly. I saw her hair behind the farthest tree in the inn plot. I went to the tree and saw her crying. "Stupid Karma. " I heard say. "Im sorry." I said I kinda embarrassed her. "Here get under the umbrella you might catch a cold." I said as I sat down with her. "Y-you embarrassed me.." she mumbled. For a while we stayed quite and remembered the thing i did this morning. I lifted her chin and kissed her. "K-karma..." She said. "Lets go back or else will both cathch a cold, I said standing up, I gave her my hand as she got up. "Your an idiot who teases everybody yet how come you make my heart beat so fast." she said. "You keep calling em an idiot. Yet im better than you in math..." I answered back teasing her. "Hmph." she mumbled. "Lets go back now." I said facing her as I opened the front door of the inn.

A/N i feel like I failed this chapter... Anyway! Karma-kun 4 teh win!! Thanks for 100+ reads!

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