Forty One

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San ran out of the bathroom and to the bedroom. "Wooyoung!"

The blind boy was startled by the sudden entrance. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

"For what?"

"Not believing you." San's tears built up and he began crying. "You're is me in your flashbacks! It is you my Wooyoung!"

Wooyoung stood up as quickly as he could. "H-How did you know?"

It was a surprise to him too. Because for a while, he did believe that he could be imagining things.

"When you kissed my neck...the spot..."

"I...didn't know why I did that...but it felt very something that's mine...and...only mine..." he finished the sentence uncertainly.

San's tears fell two at a time as he stood by the door, hearing that last sentence clenched his heart.
"That's what my boyfriend always used to say..."

~flashback of San~

San whined under his boyfriend as he bit and sucked on his neck.

"Yah~ at least mark me somewhere hidden...I have to work tomorrow..." San complained through his smile, but in reality, he was more than happy with his boyfriend's affection.

Wooyoung shook his head stubbornly with a bright grin. "It is supposed to be shown."

"Oh really?" San chuckled. "And why is that?"

Wooyoung leaned down from where he was straddling San's hips to lay his head on the other's bare chest.

"To mark you mine and only mine."

San ran his fingers through the back of Wooyoung's hair, gently tugging it. "I'll only ever be yours..."

~end of flashback~

Wooyoung took a couple steps forward before falling to his knees and down, burying his face into his hands as tears started escaping his eyes like heavy rain.

Could this be the end of his suffering?
The end of San's suffering?
Could he finally have a home and family?
And San wouldn't even feel bad for liking him anymore?

It felt too good to be real.

San was more in shock.

He was crying like a baby, but couldn't comprehend what was actually happening.

The love of his life is alive!
He has been with him for months and he didn't realize.
All that crying and grieving.
All those sleepless nights.
All that time he spent in the graveyard.
All those times he blamed himself for Wooyoung's death.

Was all gone.

The miracle has happened.

The dead came back to life.

And he was crying right there in front of him.

It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a hallucination.

Or was it?

San frantically began pinching himself and rubbing his eyes and went as far as slapping himself.

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