Twenty Five

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A/N: I was listening to to All I want by kodaline  and Another Love (slowed) by Tom Odell while writing this chapter so I recommend you listen while reading!

Wooyoung was the first to wake up the next morning.

He wasn't sure what time it was, but he was sure San was still asleep.

He was still clinging to his hand.

He carefully moved it away, it was a challenge with how tightly he was holding it, but he succeeded eventually.

Getting up and slowly making his way to the door.

He made sure he doesn't bump into anything and successfully got out, letting out a heavy sigh of both relief and disappointment.

Relief that San didn't wake up and disappointment that he had to leave.

He didn't want to be away from San again, but he had to. His dignity forced him to.

He has fallen for someone still grieving their dead lover.

Meaning he had no chance, not a fair one at least.

On top of all of that, he was nobody.

Not even worth the chance.

Wooyoung slowly closed the door and blindly made his way to the ground floor.

He was shocked to hear rain outside.

What is he supposed to do now?

Fuck it

He put his hands in his pockets and walked out, not caring if he gets soaked in the pouring rain.

It perfectly blended his tears.

The further he walked from San's place, the more it hurt.

He never even realized he likes the boy so much.

"If only I had my sight...if only I had my memory..."

Wooyoung was so lost in his repeating thoughts, he didn't hear the car coming his way.

Startled by the loud honk, he jumped back, slipping on the wet floor and hitting the ground hard.

He became conscious only seconds after, but he couldn't move.

He was too physically and mentally tired to pull himself up.

So he laid there.

Nobody stopped to help.

Nobody stopped to ask.

Maybe there wasn't anyone there anyway.

Who would leave their comfortable home in such a weather?

And again, only one person was on the helpless boy's mind.

His savior.

There's no way he could find me this time...

One last thought before he lost consciousness again.


San stared out of the window in his bedroom, the rain was still heavy.

He panicked when he didn't find Wooyoung by his side when he woke up, but eventually, he realized the boy just doesn't want to be near him.

It was understandable.

He sighed heavily, resting his head on his arms as he looked up at the sky.

It was crying harder than him.

Homeless Rose | Woosan Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin