Twenty Seven

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A/N: as some of you may have noticed, Stone Heart was taken down again unfortunately. I will be reposting it for the third time, so please give it some of your love and support <3

Wooyoung woke up a few hours later, confused again, for a few moments at least.


"Still here."

"What time is it?"

"Almost 8"

It overwhelmed him how much San was doing for him, he was glued to that chair next to him for so long just in case he woke up and needed anything.

Did he deserve all of that?

Wooyoung sighed. "Did you really stay here for this long?"

"Of course, I'm not gonna leave you alone."

"You must be tired, please don't push yourself like this..."

San smiled to himself. "I'm okay here really...seeing you getting better makes me forget about everything else."

Wooyoung stayed quiet, he felt bad enough already.

No amount of 'thank you's or 'sorry's  was enough to repay everything that San has done for him.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course, let me help you." San immediately got up and guided the other to the bathroom with slow steps.

Wooyoung leaned against the bathroom door for support."thank you...can I have some privacy?"

San nodded. "Of course." And walked away, while looking back to make sure Wooyoung is okay.

As soon as the door locked, Wooyoung slid down against it to rest on the bathroom floor.

He finally let his tears flow.

He felt so overwhelmed...

He survived a whole year without memory or sight. But just in the past few weeks, everything crumbled. He felt so disabled, so weak and so helpless.

Then there's this angelic person following him everywhere and always protecting him.

Like he was his own lover. 

His hugs were like sedatives, and his gentle words were like lullabies.

Yet, all he could do is cause him trouble and pain.

Wooyoung's head ached as he cried and suppressed his sobs.

He wondered about his life before the unknown accident.

Was he also this troublesome?

"Are you okay in there?"

A knock woke Wooyoung up from his trance. "Y-yes..."

San sighed in relief. "Good... you've been there for a while..."

"I'm coming out now." Wooyoung slowly got up and made his way to the sink to wash his face and leave the bathroom.

San immediately knew something was up. "What's wrong?"


"Are you sure?"

Wooyoung nodded. "Yeah."

San frowned. "Alright..."

The two boys sat down on the couch in the living room with the TV turned on.

They were quiet for a long while.

"Hey San?"


"Do you's possible to find my family?"

San stayed quiet at the sudden question.

"What makes you suddenly ask?"

"I must have had a life before, right? I'm sure I wasn't homeless...I'm sure I had at least one person who loved me..."

"Of course..."

"I would like to know who I actually am."

"I can help you if you want." As much as it hurt to say, San was willing to help him find his identity and family.

It would be selfish to keep him to himself.


"Of course...but we don't have any information about who you were."

Wooyoung sighed. "True..."

Their conversation was cut off by the doorbell.

Wasn't it too late for visitors?

San went to open the door. "Hyung."

Seonghwa smiled, letting himself in. "Hey."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes! Of course, I just came to check on you, you've been quiet for a few days."

San sighed, bracing himself for another problem.

Seonghwa stopped in his tracks when he saw who's on the couch.

"What is he doing here?"

Wooyoung frowned. "Excuse me?"

"I thought you said you stopped meeting him and decided to let go?"

"What? Let go? San what is he talking about?"

San just watched the two. "Nothing Wooyoung, nothing."

Seonghwa scoffed. "I was so proud of you."

San rolled his eyes. "I am proud of myself hyung."

"Can we talk aside?"

San followed to the hallway. "What is it hyung?"

"What the hell is he doing here?"

"It's none of your business."

"It is my business I'm worried about you!"

"No need to worry about me, I'm fine."

"You can't just cling onto a straw that this boy is Wooyoung, wake up San, you'll only hurt yourself more."

San stayed quiet for a long moment. "No, hyung...I'm not gonna hurt myself...I've given up a while ago."

"Given up?"

"It's not him, he will never be him."

Seonghwa stared at him confused. "Why are you keeping him here then?"

"He needs help be honest, I do like him."

"You like the idea of having your boyfriend, not like him."

San shook his head. "I know it's not him, and I still like him."


San nodded. "So please...just let me be."

"Of course...yeah, sorry..."

"Do you wanna have dinner with us?"

"No, I'm good, thanks...Yeosang is waiting for me at home...I just came to check on you."

"Did you guys work things out?"

Seonghwa smiled. "Yeah, we're doing a lot better."

San nodded. " safe."

He walked back to the living room. "Sorry about that."

Wooyoung shook his head. "I got used to your friends being rude to me."

San chuckled. "It's not their fault, I promise they're nice."

"It doesn't matter to me."

They both sat down in silence after that. Just the TV playing in the background.

Each lost in his own thoughts.

Life was so strange to both of them.

Coincidence, miracles, fate...

They were all repeating occurrences in both their lives.

"Would it be selfish if I said I don't want to leave again?"

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