Thirty Seven

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San couldn't stay away any longer and followed Wooyoung to the bedroom, slowly knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

Wooyoung panicked at first, but quickly wiped off his tears and took a deep breath. "Yes, come in."

San smiled as he walked in. "I'm sorry, but I'm really worried about you..."

"Why are you worried? I'm fine."

"You're not, obviously." San sat down next to the other on the bed, he could tell he's been crying but there was no need to let him know that.

"You've just been acting weird."

"I'm fine really...I'm sorry that I ruined our date..."

"You didn't...I had fun actually."

Wooyoung scoffed. "Thank you...but you don't have to keep assuring can be upset with me, you know?"

"I'm not though...I always have fun when we spend time together."

"I'm glad you feel that way."

"Can you tell me what's wrong then?"

Wooyoung shook his head. "I want to sleep."


The two laid in bed next to each other. The atmosphere a little tense but neither wanted to talk about it.

"Goodnight." The blind boy mumbled.

"Is it okay if we cuddle?" San asked hesitantly.

"Yes...of course..."

Cuddling suddenly sounded scary to Wooyoung, like it wasn't the cure to his nightmares just a few nights ago.

He let himself be pulled and adjust into San's arms.

Wooyoung bit his lip hard to suppress the headache he suddenly got.

It was San's hold, his arms, his smell, his warmth, his heartbeat.

He couldn't deny that it was him anymore.

The flashbacks were all about him.


Wooyoung felt San's hand run through his hair, sending shivers down his spine.


"I can tell that you're not okay...but I won't pressure you to say anything...I just want you to know that I'm here for you." San gently reminded as he felt the other shake in his arms.

Wooyoung couldn't respond. What was he supposed to say? San wouldn't believe him anymore! Nobody would believe him.

He just closed his eyes and gave in to sleep.

It was gonna be a difficult time for him.


The next morning started quiet, the two minding their own business and doing their work at the flower shop, customers going in and out.

It was a busy day and both were waiting for lunch break to relax a little.

Once their food delivery arrived, the two boys Sat down and ate in silence.

It has been a little awkward between them since the night before.

Especially that San felt like the other was hiding something from him.

"I'm sorry..." Wooyoung suddenly spoke.

"Hm?" San hummed in confusion. "What for?"

"You've barely talked to me since last I'm sorry."

Homeless Rose | Woosan Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ