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Noise canceling headphones in ears, playing his favorite music, San walked along a bridge with his hands tucked in his pockets.

He took a deep breath in, it was a beautiful night.

The city lights reflecting on the river water, the cold breeze making his nose go slightly numb and his eyes water.

Little things that made him feel at peace.

At the end of the bridge, something caught his eyes.

Red roses.

Someone holding a few half dead red roses and selling them.

He looked strange.

Wearing a bucket hat, black sunglasses, a very oversized jacket and baggy jeans.

His clothes were dirty and his hands were dirtier, dry and shaking while they held the thorny flowers.

His clothes were dirty and his hands were dirtier, dry and shaking while they held the thorny flowers

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Eventually, he sat down on the ground and carelessly threw the roses next to him.

San felt offended.

How could this person mistreat and disrespect red roses like that?

"Idiot." He muttered and speed walked past him, unable to see that nonsense anymore.

San held the locket in his hand and took a deep breath. "It's not worth being upset."

He  reminded himself of what his boyfriend used to always tell him when something bothered him and continued walking back home, a small sad smile on his lips as his voice played in his mind.

"Nothing's worth being upset Sannie!" Wooyoung said loudly while cheerfully jumping on their bed.

San shook the memory away before it could make him cry again and focused on his way before he mindlessly bumps into something.


"Come on San, please...just this one time!"

Seonghwa has been hopelessly begging for at least an hour to get San to sell him red roses to give to his valentine.

"Hyung, I said no." San sighed in frustration. "Just go to another shop."

"But you grow your own red roses and take such good care of them they grow so beautifully."

"That's why they're not meant for anyone else!"
San snapped.

Seonghwa flinched and took a step back, realizing he may have crossed the line and pressed too hard on San's unhealed wound.

"I'm sorry..."

San sighed. " have the whole shop, you can pick anything you want...but not the red roses."

Homeless Rose | Woosan Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant