Thirty Nine

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Wooyoung pulled his hand back. "I knew you wouldn't...that's why I didn't tell you at first..."


"I don't blame you was my fault for lying in the first's okay if you don't believe me...but please...please don't leave me San.."

San stayed quiet for another moment. Unsure of what to say or do.

"I can't leave hurts to leave you...but how can I stay when I know you're a liar."

"I'm not a liar! You can forget everything I said! I don't care! We can pretend it never happened! It doesn't change anything I just needed to tell you what I saw!"

"I really don't understand you Wooyoung..."

Wooyoung wiped his tears. "I'm not a liar...I can prove it to you...maybe not today, but eventually when I start to remember more."

San shook his head. "You've just convinced yourself that you're him..."

"No!! No please just believe me!"

"Calm down, you said you don't care whether I believe you or not, leave it at that."

"You don't believe me at all..." Wooyoung murmured. He was devastated. He knew the flashbacks he was having were real, and he knew it was San. But now he can't believe him, and it's all his fault, he couldn't even blame San.

"I'll make you some tea, okay? Just relax here." San pat his shoulder and walked out to the kitchen.

He acted all put together and collected, but in reality, he was shaking too.

What were that boy's intentions? Why does he insist on pretending to be his boyfriend? Is he actually pretending? Or has he just gone insane? His subconscious could be convinced that it's him. Afterall, the only evidence he had was that he had flashbacks with San. Nothing else, no details.

"It's my fault for not getting him a therapist..." San blamed himself with a sigh as he stirred the tea. He didn't know what to do.

"I made you some warm tea to help you relax your nerves." San offered with a forced  gentle smile that he knew showed in his tone.

"I don't need tea to relax." Wooyoung mumbled.

"It's okay, we both need it." San helped him hold the warm cup. "Here..."

"It's okay if you want to kick me out..."

"I don't."

"You did last time."

"I don't want to be away from you...we can work on this together." San promised.

"As if it's a problem?"

"Well...not exactly-"

"Okay...that's okay..." Wooyoung decided to drop the subject as there seemed to be no way to make the other believe.

San slowly reached to stroke Wooyoung's cheek. "Please don't cry anymore...I'm sorry..."

Wooyoung stayed quiet, leaning into the touch.

He knew that San was dealing with him as if he was mentally ill and imagining things, or trying to get his attention.

But he didn't argue, he had no more energy to.

If San didn't believe him, it didn't matter anymore.

"I'm sorry for troubling can forget that this ever happened."

"No...listen, I don't mean to not believe you...I just think that-"

"I'm imagining things, I get it."

San cleared his throat and decided to change the subject. "Are you hungry? I'll start making dinner."

"I have no appetite, thank you." Wooyoung mumbled as he sipped his tea.

"Do you want to go outside for some fresh air?

It sounded appealing to the blind boy, it might be a good way to distract himself.

"Yes, that sounds good."

San smiled. "Great, let's go."

The two put their shoes and jackets on before leaving the building, hand in hand like nothing happened between them.

"Let's walk to the park." San suggested as he lead the way, intertwining his fingers with the other's.

Wooyoung was quiet the whole time, wishing he had brought his cane so he didn't have to depend on San.

Even holding his hand was a trigger now that he knows the truth.

"Let's sit on the ground." San suggested when they reached the park and pulled Wooyoung down with him to sit down on the grass.

Wooyoung just followed, pulling his hand back as soon as he was seated.

"Isn't it nice?" San smiled, trying his best to lighten up the mood.

"What makes you so sure I didn't lie again to you?"

San blinked at the sudden question. "I..."

"I want an honest answer please."

"Because I don't want to think you lied to me..."


"I don't want to fight with you, I don't want to be upset with you...I don't want to be away from you."

"That's it? Not because you don't think I'd lie to you again?"

San looked down. "Well...what's the proof?"

Wooyoung took a deep breath. "You're right...I can't even prove it."

"It's very possible that your mind is just tricking you."

"Sure." Wooyoung laid back on the grass, resting his head on his arms. He didn't want to argue anymore.

San watched the other for a moment, slowly leaning down towards him. "Can I kiss you?"

Wooyoung was taken aback by the sudden request, but he couldn't deny it. "Yes..."

San closed his eyes and the gap between their lips with a sweet gentle kiss that melted both of their hearts.

It was short, but enough to remind them how much they like each other despite all of the arguing.

San couldn't help but smile down at the other. "Thank you, I-"

"I needed that..." Wooyoung finished for him, knowing the feeling was mutual.

With a chuckle, San laid down next to him. "Yeah..."

They stayed quiet for a long calming moment. Nothing disturbing their peace other than crickets and the faint sound of cars in the distance.

San gazed at the stars with admiring eyes. He wished the blind boy could see them too and admire them with him.

But he didn't want to hurt his feelings so he stayed quiet.

"It's a beautiful night." Was all he said.

Suddenly then, he felt a hand reaching to touch his neck, starting from the throat then making its way to the side.

"What's wrong?" San asked, confused.

"You have freckles..."

San's eyes widened and his heart dropped.

A/N: hope this isn't getting too long.

But yeah, what do you think? Will San believe Wooyoung? Is woo even honest? 👀

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