day 16

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~ two peas in a pod ~

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~ two peas in a pod ~

prompt: pinned down
character: kate bishop
warnings: blood, guns

     "Kate... if you wanted my help you should've just been upfront about it. Not invite me to your mom's stuffy party and then while on an elevator explain what's happening," you tug on the all-too fancy outfit hugging your body. It's classy, and completely out of the comfortable bubble you attempt to keep yourself confined in. She crosses her arms in front of her black dress, seemingly bulky as if she's wearing something beneath it. "Well, you're right, but would you have come if I told you that the Tracksuit Mafia was trying to kill my mom?"

    Without waiting you roll your eyes, "Of course I would've, Kate. All you have to do is ask." She looks away for a second, peering up at the floor in which you're on, wondering when you'd arrive there. When she looks back to you, there's a glint behind her eyes, a wondrous one. Like she's found her calling, "Next time I will. But until then, we have a plan with Clint and some LARPers who like initially got the Ronan suit and it spiraled to this. They even have a suit for you- which you'll love cause your last one ripped."

    "Kate, calm down," you reach your hand out to her, slightly resting atop it, your touch jolting her back to reality, "You're rambling. Which as your closest friend besides Mr. Clint, I love, but if you talk too quickly, I won't understand you." She lets out a sigh and turns her body towards you, noticing the sign mentioning you were just a floor away. "Sorry... basically we gotta protect my mom with a new suit for you!! It's up in the kitchen, you can put it on when we get up there," Kate says rather slowly this time, finishing right as the elevator doors begin to open.

    A woman stands nearby, ready to let the two of you in. "Hi Wendy, this is y/n... the one I told you about," Kate attempts to act confident, her eyes shifting between you and 'Wendy'. She immediately smiles, a warm look resting upon her face, "Ooh boy do you have to check out the kitchen later. Based on everything Kate has told us about you, I'm sure you'll love it." You try to hold back a smile as she gives you a somewhat knowing look.

    "Great to know, thanks Wendy. Now, how about we get in there and make sure your mom is safe," You say, looking over at Kate who gives you a small nod before heading for the main event. The place is decked out in Christmas decor, a large window set about at the tables. People are dressed to the nines and champagne lingers about. "There's my mom," Kate points her out and pulls your hand with her towards the suspicious woman. She's quick, your pace needing to quicken to stay up with her, her grip only making you more inclined.

    The two of you navigate the party, patrons walking out to the two of you and exclaiming about how great the party is. "Thank you! But we really gotta talk to my mom," Kate tries to politely say, still pulling you with her as you head in the direction her mother stood. However, once you reached it, she was gone, on an adventure to other people at the party. Kate looks back at you, a worrisome look on her face, "I know my mom and I aren't two peas in a pod, but y/n, I'm seriously worried about her." You attempt to console her, rubbing your thumb along the back of her hand, looking around at the room. "There she is! By the windows, we gotta move her, it's too open," the two of you bolt for her, knowing you have to move her away from the windows in case anyone is watching.

"Mom, we need to talk," Kate says firmly, her hand finally letting go of yours, a tingling feeling remaining. Eleanor looks between the two of you, her eyes somewhat squinting when looking at you, like she's glaring at you. She shakes her head, "No, I don't need to, besides this is my party, I should be socializing." You hold out your hand, stopping her from moving past you and back towards her guests. "Eleanor, it's of life or death, quite literally." Her nostrils flair, an estranged expression appearing upon her face, like we're ruining her party by saving her life.

Eleanor sighs and looks at Kate, "Fine, let's chat about the supposed life or death situation." As the three of you are about to leave, heading to a more private area, you have a somewhat tingling sensation, like someone's watching you. You look out the window and see something, your eyebrows furrow as you attempt to make out what's wrong. Without warning the glass shatters and gunshots scatter the room. Bullets fly towards the patrons, scattering the curtains and pictures framed around the room. As you look around, ensuring that everyone is out of the way a bullet hits your shoulder, skinning it.

    "y/n!" Kate shouts and lunges on you, sending the both of you to the ground. She's laying on top of you as the table protects you from any shots. In a matter of seconds she brings herself up, her arms straight and her hair cascades towards the ground. Kate looks down at you, noticing the blood dripping onto the floor. "Thanks for the save," you try to say casually, the situation making you more awkward than not. The pain almost making you grimace mid-sentence.

    Kate looks in the windows direction, bullets still flying from the building adjacent. "You're welcome, now, once the mafia stops shooting at my mom, I'll be happy to get off of you. Plus, we need to get that wound fixed up," she nearly laughs, like the situation is so outrageous and ridiculous that it wasn't real, that it was all a dream. "Alright, if you want, now how do you expect me-" the shooting stops amid your sentence, people screaming and running is still ongoing, "well, I think it's time that I get this shoulder fixed up and we fight some ass."

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