day 15

71 3 0

~ trust me

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~ trust me... ~

prompt: stitches
character: peter parker (t.h.)
warnings: s/n = superhero name, bleeding, stitching

You sit upon a fire escape, blood seeping from your stomach. After a few seconds of waiting you knock on the window again. The darkness of the sky consumes you and the only light nearby is in Peter Parker's very room, your school rival. With heavy breaths you knock again, this time harder than before. In frustration you lean your head against the brick and think about where else you could possibly go.

    As you're about to stand, your hands in the optimal positions to stand back up, the window slides open. "Hello?" His annoyingly adorable voice sounds out to the darkness. You turn into the light, your mask still covering your eyes, "I need help, Peter Parker. Please." Whether it was the helplessness in your voice or the utter stupidity of the smartest boy at your school, he steps back, gesturing for you to come inside. You throw your backpack inside and slide in. "Thank you, I mean it, do you know how to stitch someone?" Without even needing to gesture to your stomach, he can already tell what's happening. 

    "You're bleeding? Yeah, I know a little about stitching, my aunt is out of the house, s/n," Peter opens his bedroom door and nods his head to follow him. You oblige, already feeling as though you're invading in his space. "What happened?" He questions, looking through the cabinets in the small apartment bathroom. Despite your worrying to involve him in your situation, you pour your heart out to him, "Some kid from this school nearby was being attacked, the other guy had a gun. I saved him... he referred me to here. That's how I know your name." You try to convince Peter, acting as though you didn't know his name from school or that you've been to his house before but as y/n.

    Peter looks back at you for a second, narrowing his eyes before turning back around and grabbing a few supplies. "Do you heal quickly?" He questions, grabbing alcohol and rubbing some into his hands, "This is going to hurt by the way." You lift your shirt, knowing that alcohol will burn like hell when it makes contact with your wound. "Yes, I do. How are you not more freaked out? Some super powered individuals knocks on your window, you let them in, and suddenly you're a medical genius?"

He lets out a sigh and releases the alcohol onto your stomach, instantly a groan of pain leaves your lips. You attempt to bite your lip to help, but as you stand there, hand grabbing the chair next to you, you can't help but hurt. "Shouldn't I be the one asking questions? And I'm not.. because I've interned for Mr. Stark before, I'm used to people like you. Even if half of them were trying to kill me- the people Mr. Stark works with," Peter confesses, taking a clean wipe and getting rid of excess blood. Some dry still sticking to you.

"Okay..." you nod, leaning your head back for a second, feeling as Peter inserts the needle into your stomach. A moment of silence fills the room. Maybe it's because of him focusing on your wound or you not knowing how to continue a conversation, maybe a little of both. He continues stitching your stomach, his fingers lightly touching your skin, sending shivers down your back. Peter pulls the needle out, cutting off the thread and setting gauze on top of it. He then taped it down with medical tape and sets down his supplies. "Now... since I did you a favor, I need you to do me one," Peter immediately goes into a completely different mode than before.

"Tell me how you got your superpowers, and also, how you expected me to not be able to tell it's you, y/n," with the mention of your name, you open your mouth, unable to close it out of pure confusion. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and purses his lips, an awkward tension filling the room. "How the hell did you know?" You question, furrowing your eyebrows, despite them still hiding behind your mask. He leans against the wall behind him, a small, knowing smile on his face.

"Well... I recognized your voice, no one would've referred you to me, and I mean you look exactly like you, just with an eye mask on," Peter knowingly says, shrugging his shoulders as if him figuring it out was such an insignificant feat for him. That he could've figured it out no matter what happened. You nod, pulling the mask off of your face, "So stupidly smart, Parker," you look away, looking towards his window, tempted to just throw yourself out of it and leave, escape. "You can't tell anyone you know. It could put you in danger and then others would know my identity."

He nods, "Okay.. yeah I totally won't tell anyone." You look at him suspiciously, like he sounded sarcastic, the 'totally' really throwing you off. "I mean it Parker, you don't tell Ned, you don't tell your Aunt May, no one," you shake your head, crossing your own arms now. Peter nods, putting his hands up as if he's being held at gunpoint for something he's done. "I won't. Your secret is safe with me, but I think you should meet Mr. Stark, he can help you," Peter stands up straight, leaning towards you now.

"No. I'm not talking to anyone else about that, Mr. Stark only has a suit, plus who knows what they'll do to me. Probably prod me with some medical stuff," you shake your head again, mouthing no a couple of times after speaking. He sighs and looks back towards the front door, and then back at you, "If you don't want to be found out, you have to go. My aunt May is back." You tilt your head, not having heard anyone coming, wondering if he was just trying to get you to leave.

"No one is here, I certainly didn't hear anything. What's going on Parker?" You question, backing up towards his room, about to throw your mask on. Peter looks between you and the door as the sound of someone attempting to unlock it echoes through the apartment. "I'll explain later, but if you want only one person to know your identity, then go!" He points towards the window and grabs your backpack for you, holding it up. You bite your lip and grab it, heading for the window, "I'm going to try to trust you about this Parker."

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