day 14

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~ i don't want to do this ~

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~ i don't want to do this ~

prompt: held at gunpoint
character: alby (maze runner)
warnings: guns, choking

"Alby! Someone get Alby!" Minho shouts, your arm slouched over his shoulder. Your shirt is ripped and an outward spreading black injection sits at your stomach. Some of the other Gladers gawk at you, your head not holding itself up and your eyelids close. "He's in a meeting with some of the other keepers, Minho," a runner comes up to him, trying to keep up with Minho who keeps a steady pace despite your added weight.

    Minho moves his head towards the runner, shaking his head, "I don't care, Alby would want to know, y/n has been stung." The runner, knowing the seriousness of the situation heads towards the homestead. Despite the excessive sweating and irregular bouts of unconsciousness you go through, you find enough strength to look up at Minho. "Don't let Alby break the rules for me," the excruciating pain crackles through you, making that sentence send pain up your throat. Minho, astoundingly looks down at you, continuing his pace, "We'll see what he decides."

He helps you to the medjacks, laying you on one of the beds. Jeff, your favorite medjack because of his ability to make any situation better, kneels beside you, grabbing the familiar vial that any person would recognize. The lime green color causing you to close your eyes, knowing the Changing is going to come, and it's going to hurt like hell. Jeff administers it to you, an instantaneous relief washes over you, like you're in the eye of the storm as it passes over. "People undergoing the Changing... well they can be violent, we'll have to watch them until after they're fully healed."

Without hesitation, Minho understands that if you do become violent, Alby may just break one of the three major rules that the Gladers hold. Him protecting you from one of them could change the whole dynamic of the Glade. As he stands outside of your door, Alby makes his way up the stairs, clearly in a rush. The screaming coming from your side of the door not only worrying him, but everyone else in the Glade. It's high-pitched, almost like a child screaming after something being taken from them, like someone being viciously attacked. "Let me in," Alby commands, standing right in front of Minho.

"I'm not only protecting them, but protecting you, so no, you're not going in there," Minho puts his hand out, blocking Alby from going any further. Alby pushes Minho's hand away, opening the door behind him and looking towards you. Your appearance is disheveled. The Changing starting only a few minutes before he entered the door; however, it's already the most painful thing you've ever felt. Alby narrows his eyebrows, his eyes looking you over. From what he can examine from afar, your hands and legs are shackled, the black goo is seemingly gone from your midsection, "y/n?"

    Your head turns in his direction; your eyes appear bloodshot, you're breathing heavily. "Get me out of these!" A shout escapes you, an octave that Alby had never heard from you. "You have to stay in them for your own safety, and for others," Alby takes a step towards you, his hand reaching up for a second, only to lower to his side as he realizes it may be dangerous. You shake your head in a rapid motion, "You shank! Get me out of these! Slinthead!" Alby stops walking, his head slightly turning as you continue to shout, the lovely, amazing you slowly conforming into something monstrous and worrisome.

    "No!" Is the only thing Alby can shout, not being able to look at you any longer. He turns around, walking back towards the door, a grimace on his face. "I told you-" Minho begins, putting a finger up in a sarcastic way, shrugging. Alby walks right past him, walking down the stairs. Despite knowing Alby for quite a long time, Minho has never seen him so distraught. He worries for both you and Alby, knowing your pain hurts mentally and physically, but it hurts Alby emotionally. You then scream at Minho, pulling him from his thoughts, causing him to quickly shut the door, no longer wanting to be under your wrath.

As Minho continues waiting, Jeff walks over to him from another medjack room. "I've got to give them some food, water," He holds up a bowl of broth made by Frypan, and a bottle of water. Minho swiftly opens the door and stands back, letting Jeff walk in with both items, heading in your direction. "y/n, I know you're upset right now, but I have some food for you. Some water as well," He carefully walks towards you, the unusual view of you screaming loudly in front of his eyes. Jeff then attempts to take a spoonful of broth and give it to you.

    Minho looks away for a second, a split second, just to look as Alby returns, walking up the stairs. The sound of Jeff yelling at you makes him turn back around, as if the world is in slow motion. Jeff is up against your body, one of your hands somehow free as you hold the spoon next to his eye. "y/n, you don't want to do this," Jeff warns, his hands up as you breath heavily. "y/n, put down the spoon! This isn't you talking, it's the Changing," Minho takes a step towards you.

    You instantly move the spoon closer to his eye, his eyelashes hitting it as he blinks. Alby sneaks in behind Minho, stepping beside him. What you don't expect to see is a gun in his hand, his finger laying on the trigger, "I wouldn't do this unless I had to. y/n, let Jeff go." The coldness of his voice nearly snaps you back to reality, the Changing still holding onto you as images flash throughout your mind of a time before the maze. "You don't understand, everything is different," you glare down Alby, your head leaning forward slightly.

    He leaves the gun pointed towards you, shaking his head, "We'll figure it out. You and me, like we always do." A low laugh leaves your mouth, lower than even Alby could create, like there's something else within you. "We can't, don't you understand? This is never ending, we can't escape. Because even past that maze is a life-" you stop, opening your mouth as if you can no longer speak. Your hand drops the spoon and reaches for your throat, like you're choking on nothing. Jeff escapes your grasp and scurries backward.

Alby lowers the gun for a second, watching as your eyes seem to be popping out of your head, more bloodshot than before. Despite every voice inside of him telling him to stay back, he sets the gun into its holster and runs over to you. His right hand reaches your cheek, as his other hand sits atop your head. You sit like that for a second, when suddenly it stops. You let out a cough, able to breath once again. Without even thinking about Alby being there you sit back, like your own body stopped you from speaking of what you saw.

"Alby, something's wrong, I can feel it," your eyes water, your jaw tightening as you stare up at him.

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