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If I had to use one word to describe him it would be beautiful. He had shaggy brown hair that fell to his shoulders with beautiful blue eyes. He had just moved into the neighborhood with his parents and older brother.

His older brother had short brown hair and pretty green eyes. His father had brown hair and blue eyes. While their mother had red hair and green eyes.

They were overall a pretty good looking family. Shockingly though, only the pretty blue eyed kid caught my attention. He had this air about him that just screamed, 'leave me alone'.

And me being the friendly person I was, wanted to immediately be friends with him. Which is why I'm standing outside of their house with my father and a casserole.

Green bean casserole too. It was my favorite casserole if I was honest. My father had somehow gotten us invited to their house for dinner. He thought it was a good way for me to get aquatinted with their kids.

My father knocked on the door and then stepped back waiting for them to answer the door. It took a minute or two but finally the door opened to Margret, the boy's mother.

"Oh my! Come on in, Derek. Thank you so much for making it you two." She greeted us with a grateful smile.

"It's no problem, Margret. Glad to be here." My father responded with the same energy.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Woods." I told her as she took the casserole from me.

"Oh, call me Margret sweetheart. Did you make this?" She asked as she pointed to the casserole in her hands.

I hummed and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I told her with a smile.

"Oh who taught you how to cook?" She asked as she lead us inside the house.

"My mama taught me how to cook." I told her with a proud grin.

"Oh, she must've been lovely then." She replied as my father came in after me.

"Do you want me to help set up the table?" My father asked her.

"That's be appreciated." She replied before turning to me.

"The boys are upstairs if you wanna go say hi." She said politely.

"Okay! Thank you ma'am." I told her.

I bowed my head to her slightly before taking off my shoes at the stairs steps and running up the stairs. I walked up to the door that said Liu on it and knocked.

"Yeah?" A voice called from inside.

"Um, your mom said I could come say hi. I'm the neighbors kid." I said.

It was silent for a moment before the door was unlocked and it opened. I smiled a little and was met with two green eyes and a smile that reciprocated mine.

"Sorry if I was bothering you, but I didn't want to bother the adults." I said nervously.

I may be friendly and all, but I was terrified of making conversation with kids my age.

"No you're fine, I'm Liu and this is my brother Jeffery." He said as he let me inside the room and pointed towards his brother.

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