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Katie closed the bathroom door and made shaking Hetty take all her clothes off. I stood behind Katie shocked at the bruising on her body. All around her hips and stomach.

"Hetty tell me where does it hurt the most?" Katie looks up.

"My... my intimate area." She starts crying again.

Katie stands up and says looking into Hetty's eyes "I think you've raped." She hold her hands.

Our mouths are wide open who would do this to her and why. Hetty gets dressed and walks out to sit on the couch with Niall. We all gather in the sitting room and Katie speaks again.

"Well the information I got from Hetty and from looking at the bruising around her hips... it certainly looks like Hetty has been raped about a few hours ago." She stands there with her arms crossed.

We all look at Hetty and she starts crying again.

"Is there anything we can do to help her with shock?" Niall asks Katie.

"Yes actually, I will do that quickly." She walks to the kitchen gets a glass from the cupboard and pours water from the tap into the glass. She then takes the sugar bowl from the other cupboard and scoops a teaspoon of sugar and drops the sugar in and stirs with the spoon. She walks over to Hetty and hands her the water to drink "sugar water, here we are drink up."

Hetty gulps the whole glass of water within a few seconds. Katie takes the glass away and is about to walk away when Hetty grabs Katie's arm and tugs her so they are face to face. Katie stares at her wide eyed .

"Can you pp..pleased check on Ally to see if they hurt her?" Hetty stutters.

"Ally?" Questions Hetty.

"Oh yes the baby." I speak up.

"Where is she?" Katie looks at me.

"In the spare room." Niall points down the hallway. Katie gets up and runs to the spare room to check on Ally while Niall and I comfort Hetty.

"Well... now looks like I will have to sleep with broken windows." Hetty whispers.

"Oh hell no... you and Ally are staying here I can't let you guys go and stay there."

"Kris I don't have clothes!" She raises her voice.

"Yes you do u pack your clothes and everything Ally needs I got you covered Hetty." I say trying to calm her.

"Alright... but you and Niall?" She looks at Niall.

"What about us?" Niall answers.

"Where are you going to sleep dumbass there are only two rooms." She shouts at Niall.

"Well I am sure Kris wouldn't mind if I slept with her." He blushes.

"That's a bad idea why don't I sleep with Kris and you sleep with Ally." She laughs

"Alright if you want." I giggled.

Katie comes into the sitting room "Ally is okay she isn't hurt I checked, and nice to see you are getting better Hetty. One tough cookie you are... knew that since 5th grade." She hugs Hetty.

"And I always knew you would be that crazy person that would want to help people... thank you Katie."

"Anytime." She gets up about to walk away.

"Would you like to stay for some... I don't know hot milk?" I ask feeling bad thinking Katie thinks we used her for one thing.

"No thanks got to go home so tired." She yawns.

"Okay then how much was the check up." I ask grabbing my wallet.

"No it's on the house." She flicks her wrist.

"Katie!" I shout.

"Kris why are you stressing I don't need the money it was just a formal check up for some friends." She raises her voice.

"Still Katie...."

"Okay bye Kris." And she slams the door behind her.

"Well that was odd." Hetty humorously speaks up.

Niall starts laughing and comments "she's..." he goes red in the face struggling to breathe from all the laughter.

"Oi Niall breathe sweetheart." I smile.

But Niall couldn't he just carried on laughing. He then calmed down and stood up as Hetty got up.

"You okay?" He grips onto her shoulders.

He places her hand out her forehead and replies with "Yea just tired going to get some rest." And she walks towards the room. We hear the door close.

"Well looks like we are sharing a room together." He slides closer to me.

"Don't get any ideas mister." I look up at him.

"Well I got a few but I just won't use them tonight." He points at me.

"Whatever and I push him." He then walks over and places his hand on my stomach and rubs it.

I whisper "I can't wait either."

And I could feel him smile

The Affair [N.H] Where stories live. Discover now