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Both of us had way to much to drink. I think it was time for the both of us to go home it was probably about 23:00 I think I couldn't really see.

"Niall I think we should get going now." I drunkly chuckle

" Yea let's get going I will walk you home." He takes his finger and swipes down my nose and smiles and says "I am very protective so if I hold you while walking it's because I care!" He then burst out laughing.

"Shh!" I smile and laugh as I try to get off the chair.

We both sway towards the door then Niall holds my hand and starts walking me home. I am not generally loud even when I am drunk but Niall was just going crazy and shouting random words. I had to tell him a couple of times that my neighbourhood is fussy about what happens around here but he didn't care he carried on like normal 21 year olds do. We got to my door and I opened it successfully and switched the lights on, my house still had that fresh bread smell to it.

"I'm going now so bye!" He drunkly waves. But it was way too late so I decided to let him sleep on the couch.

"No Niall wait it's too late and these streets get dangerous at night so you can sleep on the couch and I will bring you a pillow and a blanket. If that's alright?"

"Well okay just one night if you insist." He says in a jokey way. Even when he is drunk he is so cute. I get the most comfy pillow for him and the warmest blanket since it was cold I get to the sitting room and Niall is already asleep on the couch. I walk over and gently lift his sweet head and rest it on the pillow and cover him with the blanket. I then sway and bump into stuff on my way to my room but I got to the bed and instantly fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee. I rub my head wondering who was making it and then I remembered that Niall slept here last night. Still recovering from my hangover I walk to the kitchen to see Niall sitting there with two mugs of steamy coffee.

"Well hello there Mister had a good sleep?"

"Yes actually your couch is absolutely incredible can I buy?" He laughs once again with that famous laugh of his. "And how was yours otherwise?"

"Oh just great I needed a sleep like that!" I sat across from him and still his blue eyes shined like diamonds.

"My roommates must be worried sick about me." He said

"You live with roommates?"

"Oh yea those 4 assholes drive me crazy!"

"What are their names?"

"Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn."

"How nice and what do they do for a living?"

"Jackshit they do nothing they just go and find girls to sleep with every weekend I think it was just a habit they picked up from all the partying they do." He looked very disappointed with the fact that he was living with these jackasses.

"So how did you find then to stay with?"

"We are all old friends, they might do all of that but they are still every good people brought up from very good homes." He said trying to defend them. "Well I got to get going and thanks again for letting me stay Kris"

"No problem come here anytime if anything is wrong you just come to me and I will help you." He smiles at my kind gesture and then walks out leaving me and my hot coffee alone once again.

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