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After a while of talking Hetty finally let Niall in but not casually to see the baby hell no. She wanted to have a serious talk with him.

I walk to the door I pop my head on the side of the door to see Niall lying legs up on the bench. "Hey!" I tried to whisper instead I shout. Niall got up in such a fright and then flipped me off.

"Yes you loud women!" He shouted back.

"Hetty wants you to come in."

"Oh shit." You could see the scared look on Niall's eyes he then went red and became a bit scared. He slowly walked towards the door and I let him in first. Luckily there was a curtain to block us from seeing Hetty or from Hetty seeing us because scared little Niall pushed me first so he could walk behind me. Sometimes I worry about this boy he is just too cute and I see he can get mischievous.

So I end up walking in the front and Niall followed behind leading us around the curtain to two chairs by Hetty's bed. Hetty looked at us while we were being seated. Niall then pushed me to indicate that I should take the first chair by Hetty's bed. So we sat on the chairs and Hetty didn't like the seating arrangements.

"Niall sweetie come sit close to me I don't bite." She gave a sarcastic smile

"No I am okay here." He looked up and gave her a nervous smile. His hands were on his lap and he didn't move an inch.

"I said get your lazy ass over here!" She said then gave that sweet Hetty 'I am going to kill you' smile. Niall then quickly changed seats with me.

Hetty then gave Niall one of those old fashioned smack at the back of the head thing that mothers, like she is now, would give to there naughty boys when they did something bad.

"Awww!" He started to rub the back of his head.

"Great I think you needed one of those." And she went back to holding her new born. "So Niall tell me has Kris told you she is pregnant now?"

"Uhm yes I am aware that." He still rubs his head Hetty probably gave him a real good smack then.

"And are you aware you are the father of this child?" She looks at him curiously.

"I didn't believe it at first but then Kris told me Donnie had a problem." He then looks at me.

"When did I tell you this?" I jump in.

"Remember when we were drunk at that pub you told me your whole goddamn life story." He smiles.

"Oh yes sorry I forgot." I then tap my head knowing that I forget things easily.

Hetty sits up with her mouth wide open "Huh why wasn't I informed about this? Kris! I should of been the first to know about Donnie and that you drink!"

"I'm sorry it never crossed my mind and plus I never wanted to talk about it." I look at her.

"Oh Kris well I said I would pray for you to have a child and it just happened that you are pregnant but not with you know..." she then leaned close and whispered " the town milk boy."

"I heard that you know." Niall interrupts. I tried not to laugh but I could help it Niall had that cheeky and sarcastic personality,I like that.

"I didn't ask you you listen." Hetty snapped.

"Oh you didn't whisper you spoke normally or maybe I am sitting close to Kris so I hear everything." He spoke with confidence.

"You know what I like that about you, you're so confident and cheeky and you don't take shit from anyone. I always wanted my best friend to have a man like like that and I am sorry to say this but I don't believe that Donnie would protect you like Niall does. All Donnie cares about is sports and his friends and I don't think you saw that Kris." She blurted out. The covering her mouth meaning she will not speak again.

"Well it's true but he cares... kinda."

The doctor then walks in and says to Niall and I "The new mother,I think, needs some rest so if you two can please tell her rest she will be released tomorrow with the baby.

"Well okay bye Hetty." Niall said and jumped up and grabbed my hand "You rest now pudding and we will be back for you tomorrow" he gave a fake smile and walked out.

"What was that all about?" I asked laughing.

"What she scares me." And he really did sound scared.

We jumped back into the car and Niall told me he wanted me to see his roommates and what he was talking about when he said they are a bunch of lazy assholes who do nothing the whole damn day but party and sleep around with girls. And at the same time I wanted to see if Niall was telling a lie.

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