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Katie sees me in the car and rushes out to my side and quickly opens the door. "Oh my god Kris! Come on we need to get you in now" I get out the car with Katie holding my arm in case I fell. But I wasn't even badly hurt it was just a big cut on my forehead it wasn't like I was dying and need care straight away she was just over reacting since I was her friend and she really cared about me.

She then looks up to see her crush Niall there and she smiles acting professional and says to him "Thanks for bringing her would you like to come with?"

He looks at me and agrees. Katie then walks me to the room and makes me sit on the baby blue bed. She leaves the room to fetch some stuff  leaving Niall and I alone.

The room was silent until Niall breaks the ice "Good thing I came on time because Finn would of killed you. I always knew Finn was a troublemaker but possession of illegal firearms wasn't expecting that!" He laughs. I didn't want to make things awkward so I just went on with the conversation.

Katie walks in with a silver bowl full of cotton buds and needles and silver string, I don't know how to describe it.

"Okay let's get you cleaned up. Do you want a lolly at the end Kris?" She jokes.

"Oh yes why not Katie." I laugh and Niall laughs along too.

Katie picks up the cotton bud and dips it in water till its dripping, she picks it up and applys it to my bleeding forehead. I moan in pain it was terrible she went through about 6 buds until she took that metal string and carefully put it through the hole in the needle

"Okay so Kris it's a pretty deep cut so I got to stitch it. It might be a little painful so if Niall wants to hold your hand he can." At the end her voice sounded shaky like she was nervous. Katie is never nervous was it because Niall was there?

She starts stitching and it is painful so I grab onto Niall's sweaty hands and closed my eyes tight until it was over. When it was finally over I opened my eyes to Katie actually holding a lolly in front of me. I was so shocked I thought she was joking.

"I keep my promises." She laughs

"Oh my god Katie I thought you were joking!"

"No ways Kris you know me by now. Well you are good to go so bye. I have to go to the other room for some more stitching! How fun hey."

"Yea totally! Bye Katie"

"Any time Kris."

We then walk out the room to the car and Niall asked "Do you want to go home?"

"Yea it's been a long day already." So the rest of the ride home was quite until we got to my front door. Niall, like the sweet gentlemen he is, comes around the other side to open the door for me. I get my keys out as we walk towards the mahogany door. He then takes my keys and opens the door and we walk into the warmth of my home.

"Why don't you come in for some biscuits and coffee?"

"Well non of those things but can't we just talk?"

"Yea sure make yourself at home. Just going to the toilet real quick."

"Okay take your time."

I asked to go to the toilet because my period was due for today and it hasn't come and I am getting a bit worried. I get to the door and rush over to the toilet and pull my pants down and my underwear discovering no blood. Maybe it was a bit late. I pulled my pants up and I went to was my hands and I felt a weird feeling in my stomach I felt sick. And up it came and quickly falling in front of the toilet came the vomit. I felt sick from this morning already why now in the afternoon am I feeling sick?

I hear a knock on the door and heard Niall's worried voice "Hey Kris you okay in there?"

"No." I replied because I definitely wasn't.

Niall comes rushing in and sees me in my sick state. He pats my back and I vomit even more. After I was done he flushes the toilet and puts the pan and lifts me so I am sitting on top of the toilet.

"You alright now?" He looks at me with his shining eyes.

"Niall I missed my period. I was sick since this morning. I think I might be pregnant."

"We can't just assume that you're pregnant because you missed your period and had morning sickness. Yes we had sex but come on you can't be."

"Okay you know what drop me of at the store I am going to get some stuff."

"Alright." He huffs and we exit the house once again into his car.

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