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Feeling a bit embarrassed since I just met this boy 2 hours ago and now he finds me in a pub drinking a double whiskey can this get any worse? "Oh Niall how are you?" I said causally acting as if I am not drinking any alcoholic drink at all.

"I am great actually just finished my shift and got paid so I came for some celebration drinks alone." He chuckles "I am sorry to sound rude but is that seat taken next to you?"

"No don't be shy to sit next to me I don't bite." Oh my god did I just say that this isn't my son nor a family member am I drunk already?

"Thanks Mrs Oak..."

"Kris!" I quickly interrupt.

"Sorry Kris it's just that I am still getting to know the place and London is completely different to Mullingar. There we always say the last name because it is more respectful and here people are just like 'Oh just say my first name'" he laughs at the end.

"I get that it gets a little getting used to but it will all work out one way or another." I try to comfort him since he was feeling a bit lost.

"I see you are more into the whiskeys than wines... me I am an Irish men it is in my blood to drink pints of beer." He pretends to have a deep mans voice which makes me laugh because what I can see is that he is a real softy.

"Uhm yea never really enjoyed wine, why is it that people always think that women have to be into wine is it like a thing that all women have to drink wine?"

"I really don't know because me mum never used to drink wine she was like me dad a pint kind of lady maybe that's why they fell in love. It was meant to be."

"Maybe so I am sorry to ask but do you have any siblings?" I needed to know some more about this boy just so I know he is the right one bringing my milk every week.

" I have a brother named Greg he is back in Ireland looking after the family. I came here to earn more money since Greg can't find a job in Ireland. I am earning a decent amount just not enough to support myself and the family." He drops he his head and I instantly feel sorry for him.

"I don't work at all my husband does all of that, he works in the army and was just sent off this morning to Germany with my friends husband. You are very lucky to have a stable family still I don't. My brother died 5 years ago and my mom is still not over the fact that he is gone, she doesn't want to believe it but I can see she is getting sick mentally. She has no one except my aunt who is taking care of her. My bastard of a dad left her a day after we found out about my brother. So yea sorry to give you a whole long story."

"No I am okay with it and I am truly sorry about those incidents" he then pats my back and I feel his warm hand run through me like electricity. Never felt a touch like that in my life.

We begin to have a big fat conversation with each other and I got to know him a little better a until someone poked his shoulder we turn around and I have seen this guy before he was the milk boy before Niall I didn't know what his name was but all I know was that shit was about to go down.

"Hey you Horan! You little fucker you think you can come down here from Ireland and steal my job who do you think you are?!" He screams and the whole pub turns to face the commotion happening in front of me.

"Hey Finn calm down man I didn't mean to take your job I just applied for the job and they gave it to me. It's not my fault that they thought you stole money from the office." He said it so calm but I could see Finn's face turn bright red.

Finn grabs Niall by his shirt and brings Niall close to his body. I could see his grip was tight and that no one would want to get in his way. But then you had Niall he looked terrified and just hung loose while Finn was basically shaking him like some kind of sack of rice. While Finn was shouting in Niall's face I took an empty beer bottle and gently walked behind him before he saw me I swung my hand up closed my eyes and it Finn hard onto his head. I opened my eyes and found Finn still standing but Niall out of Finn's grip leaning against the counter top in complete shock. Finn then weakend and fell to the dirty ground of the pub.

Niall looks at me and I look at him and then around the pub and everyone was in complete silence then cheered as I sat back down Niall clapping his hands " Never thought I'd see that side of you!" He giggles

"Me either I say as I other drinks for the both of us.

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