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The next morning we all had hot coffee and toast. I got up to get the post from the postbox and found a letter from Donnie. I got the shock of my life, what did he say? I walk in still looking at the letter and sit down. I then read the letter while the others were looking at me. The letter read:

To my dearest Kris
We have landed on the coast of Germany. On the way in land was where things got out of hand. The German army attacked us and most of us survived luckily I was one of them, but sadly not for Benjamin. They shot him on the side of his stomach and I tried to save him but he died in my arms. We have sent his body back to London and they will inform Hetty about this and will arrange a special funeral for close friends and family members.
Miss you loads

This couldn't be true. Hetty has been through so much already and now Benjamin is dead he hasn't even seen his newly born daughter. I could show Hetty this so I placed it on my lap under the table and started eating my toast.

"Who was the letter from?" Asked Hetty with a whole lot of food stuffed in her mouth.

"Donnie." I say still eating.

"Oh god no... what did he have to say?" She says leaning forward.

"Nothing just that they landed in Germany and that things are looking a bit rough." I said lying to her bit I could see she didn't believe me.

"Give the damn letter here." She gets up and tries to get the letter from me. Niall just sits back and watches the whole commotion with a straight uncomfortable face.

"Hetty calm down!" I tried pushing Hetty away from me but I couldn't after what happened yesterday she is still strong and has always been like that.

"No Kris what's in the letter I know your hiding something from me!" She point to the piece of paper I still have in my other hand holding it away from her. "Kris get off your fat ass and give it to me now!" She commands.

"No Hetty what if it was private information only I had to know." I tell her getting up.

"Come on Kris we can all keep a secret here right?" She spreads her arm and continues "am I right Nail?"

"Don't you dare bring me into this thanks." He tells Hetty straight.

Hetty stops for a little while and out of nowhere snatches the paper out of my hand I tried getting the paper back but I was no used she was reading it right in front of me. Her face went from happy to sad real quick that's when I knew she got to the part about Benjamin. She drops the page and covers her mouth so her sobs weren't so loud. She sits back on the chair and weeps. Niall looks at me confused and I hand him the letter behind my back.

"How could this be!?" She softens.

"Hetty I can't tell you how sorry..." I says then I stop thinking that I might break her even more.

"He...He didn't even see Ally yet and she looks just like him." Her voices goes down and she sobs on the kitchen table.

Niall and I stand there not knowing what to do so we just let her cry without interrupting or saying anything we just listen to her.

"I knew I shouldn't of let him go! I should of told him to stay, stay with me. He could of seen Ally now he is never going to see her never... I hate myself so much!" She shouts.

"Hetty it's not your fault, you didn't do this to him it was those terrible people who are making everyone's lives miserable because their lives are miserable." I say rubbing her arm.

"At least Donnie is still alive hey, at least he got a second chance but why didn't Ben I mean Ben deserved better." She weeps. "Why do all the good people die Kris? Why?"

"Hetty when you go into a garden to pick flowers which ones do you pick?"

"The most beautiful ones."


She looks at me and her eyes flood with tears once again. I could see and feel the pain she was in. I couldn't see her like this it was terrible thing to see.

"You know what." She lifts her head and viciously wipes her tears away. "Benjamin wouldn't want to see me crying and being stupid over his death, he wanted this he always wanted to help and save people and that's what he died for, to protect us and the rest of this country! They will give Benjamin the best funeral ever. And I know he will be watching over all of us!" She speaks with pride and courage.

Niall and I were both shocked by what Hetty just said she we just clapped in astonishment.

"There we go Hetty,

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