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We got to the front of what seems to be a pretty clean small wooden house  but Niall told me not to be fooled by the neatness of the outside of the house I should wait till I get inside to see the horrors.

"Oh just to tell you this isn't my car it's Harry's, I just took the keys to go out for a drive don't think he noticed." He then had that cheeky grin on his face.

We walk towards the door and as Niall was about to open the door, it opened itself and out came a very young pretty brown headed girl cry and must be one of Niall's roommates.

"You dirty slut I don't want you anymore you fucking cheated on me so in revenge I kicked your sorry ass out of my life so goodbye Chels." He screamed luckily I was behind Niall that time. I could smell the boys drunken breath all the way from here.

"Niall my boy you are back!" He then leaned by the doorway.

"Louis how you doing bro." He answered back.

"Not too bad as you can see..."

"Chels out ya life again thought as much." He replied and pushed Louis out the way to go in holding tight onto my hand.

As I walk through the doorway Louis grabbed me "Mmmm Niall who's this son?"

"Someone non of ya business." Noticing that every time Niall gets angry ,scared or even embarrassed his Irish accent thickens and it's amazing not complaining.

Louis then holds me holds and the fumes of the alcohol get to me. "What's your name love?" Louis' accent is a rich British accent and is also incredible are all the boys Niall stays with have lovely accents like this?

Breaking from his tight clutches I answer "Kris." I put my hand out for a shake and he shakes it wildly.

"Well okay is Nialler over there being nice to you like he always is well mannered and... oh yes Niall go show... Kris around the house will ya."

"Louis can't you just shut up for once in ya fucking life man." Niall stares at Louis.

"Nialler that's not the way to treat a guest." He crosses his arms then closes the door.

Niall rolls his eyes at Louis and grabs me quick to his room. He opens his door and his room is medium sized not too bad, his room is neat and tidy unlike the sitting room I just saw and the kitchen. I sat on his bed and it was soft looks like Niall keep his bed in top shape.

"Oh Lord Jesus Christ." Niall picks up a used condom and throws it out the nearest window. "Did my bed seem a bit soft when you sat down?" He looks at me in disappointment and embrassed.

"Yea I think they used it for sex the other night." I got up in disgustment.

"Sorry about that." He sits on the window pane.

I sigh "Niall how do you live like this?"

"It's takes a bit of getting used to." He looks at me.

"Niall I think you should stay with me at least I can give you a place to sleep where people don't have sex on it and I can keep the place clean. Niall I can help you!"

"No Kris the rent here is cheap and..."

"Niall no way you are living in this dump you aren't happy here and if you stay at my place you don't have to pay rent! You are lucky I have an extra room for you."

"Kris there is more to this why else do you want me there?" He tilted his head and smiled.

"Also because... because I am lonely and you are the father of this child.." I point to my stomach "and this child needs you like you need the child... or something like that." I smiled a cheap smile. He got off the window pane and walked over to me, held my face and leaned in to kiss me. When we hear loud noises coming down the stairs. He stood back and placed his hand to his face.

"Now all the boys are downstairs.. hooray let the bullshitting being." He lifted his arms and played with his hair. " I want to move in Kris I really want to. So I decided I will do it I will move in! So let's make me stuff quickly and go." I jump up and hugged him.

We packed his stuff with the help of the loud talking of the rest of the roommates. "Walk out with me and keep close these boys can get a bit touchy. I gulped and worked with Niall cause he knew what he was doing.

We walk out and all heads turn to us and there is silence. We walk in front of them behind the coffee table. The silence his broke by a long brown headed boy with green eyes "Niall! How are you long time no see." His accent is deep and sweet.

"Harry, Zayn, Liam and my dear Louis." He names them in order now I know which is which. "I got news to tell you and I don't know if you will like it all I can say is that there will be one empty room for you boys to use now." He says slowly and looks at them.

They all stare dumbstruck. "Niall did she tell you to move out?" Zayn asked.

Niall holds me back and tight. "No lads this is me choice and I think it is time I spread me wings and fly."

"Alright Nialler sad to see you go my boy but we understand don't we lads?" Liam stands up.

"No I don't understand." Harry lifts his hand.

"Shut up Harold!" Niall shouts. "Boys just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I won't visit." He smiles.

"Nialler son we will miss you and all of us would of hugged you but as you can see we are just too drunk to do that." Louis jokes.

"Well now that Niall's room is empty can Candy and I take that room." And after that they all argue and we slip out the door quickly with Niall's suitcase before we left Niall asked Harry by the door "hey Harry can I have ya car since ya not using it anymore and I am."

"Okay yea whatever." Harry said without caring.

Niall threw his suitcase in the car and we drove to my house. This was Niall's new life.

The Affair [N.H] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें