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Niall drops me off in front of the store before that he said he was going to find parking and I shouldn't leave without him escorting me out. Niall is pretty protective and I get that but he can't be that protective over me I mean I am a grown women.

I walk around and found the pack of pregnancy tests. He knew I was going to the store but he didn't know what for so I ran to the cashier to pay. Cashiers in this town are really noisy and ask you many personal questions so you got to be forum and straight with them.

I get there and probably from a mile away this noisy bitch was smiling at me because of the product I had in my hand. I slammed the box onto the table so I could pay for it.

"So you were trying for a long time or did you just start?" The cashier asks. I gave her a dirty look.

"Can I just pay for my fucking product and go." I raise my voice.

"Hey mam I am sorry just asking. That will be 22.95 please."

"Thanks." I give her the money and before I walked out there was Niall. He once again escorts me out of the store to the parking lot and takes me home.

I get home slammed the front door and not putting my bag down I walked straight to the bathroom. I take one stick out and peed on it. Then pulled up my pants once again. As I was washing my hands the stick gave me the answer... I'm pregnant with Niall's child.

I walk out in shock with the stick in my back pocket. I see Niall cute as always looking at pictures of Donnie and I. Niall didn't know what I bought so I broke it to him by giving him the stick. He looks at me confused and takes it from my hands.

"The hell is this?" He scratches his head taking his cap and throwing it on the couch.

"I'm pregnant Niall." I sobbed.

"Oh god no. This can't be my child it must be Donnie's that you are only finding out now." His facial expression is still shocked.

"Niall don't you think Donnie and I tried many times before ,don't you think by took this pregnancy tests many times before! Niall it's your baby!" I sob even louder  this time.

He walks over and seats me on the couch while he sits on the table across from me. He puts the stick down and cups his face in his hands and then covers his soft pink lips.

"I can't be a father now! I have nothing I mean nothing if I can't support my family in Ireland how am I going to support you and this baby?"

"Niall on the bright side I always wanted this and.."

"No Kris, I had an affair with a married women now she is pregnant with my child that I can't support. Hey how am I going to live trying to support my family in Ireland, rent, food and now a child! I'm sorry I know I am going to be a bad father I can see it.. Kris we got to... abort this child."

"No Niall I wanted this my whole life and only know it is happening this shit blows one damn way. We are not aborting this child. I get you have to support and pay for stuff and I will handle everything!"

"Kris how are you going to tell your husband that you had an affair with the local milk boy and that I Niall James Horan was apart of this?!"

I hold his face and I look into his eyes and told him not to worry about anything I lean in for a special kiss. And indeed it was special.

"Listen Harry and the boys are probably worrying about their cars right now so I got to go." He stands up and I stand up with him.

Right now with all the pregnancy thing going on I felt a little tingly for some Horan love. So I went right in and he played his part too.

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