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Opening the door I expect there to be no disturbance. I take off my coat and hang it onto the coat hanger by the door and slide my keys onto the shelves. I close my eyes breathing in and out trying to relax now that I'm home until the telephone ring. I walk slowly towards the telephone that hangs on my somewhat brown and white wall not having the utmost care in the world. I pick it up and I softly but causally greet the person on the other end of the line.

"Kristen!" I hear my mother projecting her voice at me through the telephone for not calling her the last two weeks.

"Yes mother, what is it now?" I sigh knowing my mom has problems with everything.

"I thought you were dead you haven't called me in weeks! I was worried sick." My mom is every protective since I am the only child she has since my brother Gabe past away a few years ago. He was murdered on his way back home from his job.

"Mother, calm down. I didn't because I was too busy sorting out some stuff, you know Donnie is off fighting against the German's." I say normally with a hint of sadness running through my brain.

"That's right. I'm sorry darling just pray that everything is alright and that he comes back safe" she didn't sound sorry my mom wants the whole damn world to revolve around her and my dad that does absolutely nothing for her.

"I got that so many times today, it doesn't help, I will be fine." Before she even says another word I slam the telephone back onto the wall. I had enough of my mother. Everyone calls her the sweetest but I have better words than that.

I decided to get some sleep and forcefully pull myself to the room. I take my shoes off by the doorway and my warm feet collided with the coldness of the hard wood floor. I then throw myself carelessly onto the bed and bury my body under the covers. I close my eyes and tried my hardest since I didn't sleep the whole night. But it was worthless I couldn't sleep. Not knowing what to do I get up taking a stroll to the window in the kitchen and I felt a little peckish. I felt like fresh baked bread and realised I have all the ingredients I need. There's was a need to waste time and I took that opportunity to keep myself busy.

After kneading my bread I spaced it into the pan and placed it in the oven. I stand by the window looking out onto the streets. I then see a familiar face... I lean forward onto the basin my eyes following the persons movement. It's my old friend Katie Stephen she's the doctor in our neighbourhood. Very nice fresh lady, still single but doesn't bother finding a man, she wants to focused on her job. I felt that I needed a little company since Hetty was probably still at the market. I quickly scurry my door opening it wide and shout her name

Katie's head snaps and spots me by my door and with a big smile she hurries over to me "Long time no see." She says with her velvet voice and stands by my door step,"How you been keeping?"

"Just great." I smile back, "Would you like to come in for tea?"

"Sure Kris, it's good to catch up with someone like you." She says stepping "Kris I don't remember your house being this beautiful" She laughs "My house doesn't feel like a home since I'm at the hospital twenty four - seven."

"Then please make yourself at home." I lead her to the kitchen where the smell of the bread was coming through "You're always welcomed here."

"God Kris I could never do that." She chuckles and she rolls her eyes to me breathing in "I sense you're making bread."

"Yea I needed something to keep me busy. " I widen my smile and offer her something to drink.

"Oh nothing for me thanks." I lead her to the kitchen and she takes a seat by the small table I have. Immediately she begins to make the conversation lively "Kris did you hear about this?"

"About what?"

Author's note:
Sorry about this I will be editing when I get the chance

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