St. Paul, MN

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Being in Minnesota was fun. You were visiting your best friend and taking a well-deserved break. You had just finished filming a Netflix show with lots of buzz from the star cast and fantastic director Guillermo del Toro. It did not have a release date. You had also recently attended the Emmys. As award season had come to a close, you decided visiting your favorite person would be an excellent way to celebrate a successful season. Especially since free days were becoming rarer and rarer. You were thankful for the role in The Queen's Gambit and its direction for your career, granting many prestigious awards, but it was always lovely to enjoy time with loved ones.

Naomi had let you stay in her guest bedroom, letting you know to stay for as long as you wish, but you wouldn't last longer than a few days. You didn't like intruding on Naomi and Sarai, Naomi's partner. They assured you it was no problem, but you begged to differ.

On your second day, Sarai surprised you with enchiladas just like your grandma had made. Their family was from Acapulco, Mexico, just like your grandparents. Naomi always liked to say she was meant to bring you all together, and she had.

That wasn't the only surprise you had come to learn she had for you as she said to dress nice and be ready at eight. You were even more shocked to hear that Sarai would not be joining you. They informed you they had to meet with their cohort to discuss a project.

You had a limited selection of clothes from your suitcase and clothes you had left over the years. After getting out your favorite pieces, you dressed in black flares that made your ass look amazing. You paired it with a silk cami, a mint color that matched your nails. You matched it with your favorite Gucci red leather boots, always packed first in your suitcase. They're a few years old, but you treasured them too much to say goodbye. They were the only classy shoes you packed because you swore you could pair them with anything, and thus far, you have.

You debated the most about doing your makeup, not being able to make up your mind before deciding to go with mascara and red lipstick. Looking in the mirror, you felt hot and knew you looked great. Being in the public eye, you learned to spot all your insecurities before the world could and owned them. The scar running up your thigh was always an attention grabber until the story of how you got it was exposed, and then no one seemed to care about a bicycle accident that happened at the age of twelve.

Grabbing your wallet and phone, you headed out to the living room where Naomi was sitting on her couch, scrolling through her phone, Sarai having left already.

"You don't mind carrying my wallet, do you?" You asked.

"Course not, give it here."

Naomi, nosy as always, opens up the wallet and looks inside as you grab some water before heading out. She's quiet, so you peek over and see her standing with the wallet still in hand.

"I'm in your wallet." She states, showing you a photo of her standing arms raised last December as she stood in the center of the ice rink.

"You have been since you gave me a photo of you that was taken during team pictures for Tennis in ninth grade."

Naomi nods, remembering how she had given one to you and her parents then hiding them away. "Yeah, I don't know. Nice to know you keep me close."

"Always do. Only one person I call my best friend."

Naomi shakes her body out, pocketing the wallet into her pink cross-body bag. "Alright, enough being a sap. We've got to go."


In the car, Naomi decides against music and instead chooses to interrogate you on your next project. You didn't have anything definitive lined up for the first time in a long time. You filmed and auditioned like crazy the past few years, so your manager, Viola, was giving you a much-needed break. She loved to remind you to relax and enjoy it all, and thanks to her, you had. Viola has always had your best interest in mind since she met you at age seventeen.

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