Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

At the end of the day, Mina dragged me along with her and the other girls.

Unfortunately, we were stopped by Eraserhead who was blocking the doorway. "Where are you going?" He asked.

The girls started to explain they were taking me to the dorms. I just stayed silent until he spoke to me. "Are you going to spend the night there?"

I should, build a little more trust and find some things out. "Yeah, is that okay?" He thought for a moment before sighing. "Just make sure you get to school tomorrow."

He really does trust me, it's strange. I nodded and he walked out of the classroom. "Guys Y/n's spending the night with us!"

Everyone got excited and started to drag me along with them, I didn't fight back though. Maybe I'm just used to it.

The walk wasn't long to get to the dorms. I saw the building and was immediately dragged inside. "I'm so excited! We should play a game tonight!"

Everyone started to agree, I've never played a game before. At least not the ones normal people play. "Y/n which room are you going to stay in tonight ribbit?"

That's a good question, my mind went to Bakugo. Hell no.

"Uh, I don't know. I'll probably sleep on the couch if that's fine." My back's already used to a couch so it probably won't be that bad.

They showed me around and then gave me some spare clothes to change in. After I did Mina wanted everyone to gather around in the common area for a game.

I sat down beside Bakugo while Midoriya was on my left. "How have you been Y/n, we haven't talked much lately." That's right we haven't, I should probably start talking to him again.

"I've been fine. Honestly just going day by day you know." He seemed to understand that. "I get it. How are you and Kacchan?"

I know Midoriya calls Bakugo Kacchan because they're childhood friends, those were the words Bakugo had used when I asked about the two of them. "We're good? Why, did it seem like we weren't?"

He immediately shook his head. "No it's just, I've never seen Kacchan be so close to someone. It was shocking at first but I like that he found someone to really be close with."

That feeling is back, why won't it go away?

I just smiled and waited for Mina to start the game. "Let's play never have I ever!" Iida stood up and wave his arms around. "No no no! The last time we played Bakugo almost killed Kaminari, Kaminari almost died and Midoriya cried so much he couldn't see for two days."

Wow, that's awkward.

"Iida chill out. We'll play safely this time, promise!" Everyone nodded along with her. Iida had no choice but to fold. "Fine but if it gets out of hand we're stopping and everyone is going straight to bed."

He must be fun at parties. So then the game started, Mina was first since she suggested the game. "Never have I ever, glued my hands together."

Who's stupid enough to- oh Kaminari put a finger down. "It wasn't my fault, someone." He looked at Sero. "Put glue in my hand lotion!"

He just laughed and Mina chose Momo to go next. "Never have I ever, burnt the food I was cooking." A lot of them put their fingers down.

"Damn." Jirou waved off my reaction. "It's cool, we just get Bakugo to make dinner every night." I looked over to Bakugo. "You know how to cook?"

He hmmed. "Yeah cause none of these fuckers know how to cook a proper meal." That's something I didn't know about him, I can't use it against him but it's something.

The game went on forever and a lot of people were getting out. Near the end the only ones left were me, Bakugo, Mina, Midoriya, and Todoroki because what I have learned he doesn't get out much.

"Alright, sudden death round!" Mina explained that during these next few rounds people who are already out would say never have I ever.

She pointed to Sato and he quickly spoke. "Never have I ever, snuck out of the house." Mina, Midoriya, and Bakugo put down their fingers.

"Ugh, Y/n how come you haven't done anything interesting?!" It's probably because I've been with the League my whole life.

No fun, no games just work.

It was Mineta's turn. "Never have I ever, yelled at my parents." It went quiet. The word parent just made me think of mine, I hate it.

I didn't say anything about it though, but I didn't have to. Mineta was pulled away from everyone. "Shut up!" Sero whispered to him. Right, they know about my parents, what happened to them.

Suddenly everyone was apologizing to me. "We're sorry about him Y/n. He can't keep his mouth closed." They were comforting me. But why, it wasn't even that big of a deal.

Wait, now that I think about it, they've never asked me about my parents. They know what happened but they never once asked me personally about them.

Did they really not ask because they cared about how I would feel?

I felt Midoriya's hand on mine. "Are you okay Y/n?" They were all staring, I didn't like it. "We can stop playing if you want." It's weird how they- cared about my feelings.

This is all too much for me. Everything about this is too much.

"I think I'm just tired. I'm gonna go wash up before bed." I got up and headed to the bathroom.

It's too much.

1454 Words

How was it?

.... I still have no idea what to say.

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