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    Bodyguards lowered their head due to their carelessness behaviour.

JUSTINE : What a cunning little girl ?(Smirk )  Uh.. how dare to deceive me ,haha (chuckle )

HEAD BODYGUARD : Sir now only she went ,with your permission I will make her kneel down in front of you with in a few minutes (serious )

   By saying that he starts to approach towardsthe lift

    But suddenly the voice obstacled his way

JUSTINE : No need ! Leave it me

HEAD BODYGUARD : But sir....

JUSTINE : No , no  , she is very special to me. (Smirk )

HEAD BODYGUARD : As your wish sir

     By saying that he came back to his position

               ~IN  MEANWHILE ~

CHRISTY :  (In her mind voice * Come christy you're not weak don't allow anyone to play with you .Come on christy , girls is more vigorous than boys.*)

     By seeing her cute expression he cannot control himself.

    At first he was just did that things inorder to tease her, but now he was not sure about his behaviour .

     When Jason try to kiss on her lips .

      She gave him a great shot on his finger toes with her heels which made his finger almost sore .

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : AH! ( in pain )


JASON ( Senior doctor ) : You... (in great anger)

      Before he complete his sentence, she gave a great slap on his left side of his face which made his skin reddish pink and her four fingers also made a  imprint on his face.

     Jason came back to his normal condition and he don't know what to do.

     He stand there with an   embarrassment because he himself can't believe his unnatural behaviour .

CHRISTY : Yeah! I admit ,I have a crush on you,but I never thought a love in this way with you , Infact I kept more respect on you, but you also like other mens. There is no different between you and other mens . Men's are all same always craving for lust. ( With heart broken )

     She pressed the lift number 52, the lift which is near to next floor

        ~ DING DING 52th FLOOR ~


CHRISTY : Here after Don't came into my life in any path ,even as a third person . I don't like to see your face at all.

    By saying that she started to move on without turning back .

   Jason starts to regret about his behaviour

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : What got into me?

    In anger he started to hit the lift wall until his hand got bleeding.

   His hand imprinted on the lift wall with a blood.

    Christy started to approach towards the restroom.

   She started clean the blood on her neck which was made by the Jason.

   She starts apply a foundation cream on the wound in order hide her bitten marks on her neck .

   And there is also a scar on her hand which was made by the Jason tight grip. She wore a watch and tight bangles to hid that.

   She tide up herself and when she came out candace was standing their with a heavy breathing.

CHRISTY : Candace. . . . ( with shock )How do you know? that I am here .

CANDACE : There is no time to talk about anything . Where is Shinoba?

CHRISTY : She is waiting for us.

CANDACE : Call her and tell  her to come to the parking area , without stopping anywhere.

    Christy made her call and she told the Shinoba what to do

SHINOBA : Okay. I am coming.

CHRISTY : What happened?

CANDACE : l will tell you later. (with nervesness )

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