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JUSTIN : Did you finished. Making  the fake surveillance vedio?

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Yeah! I already fixed it yesterday. It's all thanks to SEBESTAIN.

JUSTINE : Yeah! You are right. By the how is Candace condition.

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : She will be discharge within 2 days . But I need to send her ICU to analyse her brain condition.


JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Do you know there are more things that you don't know still. If we want to know that we should  take care her under our nose. That's why I choosed that place, moreover the MRI scan also near the ICU, so whatever we need it is easy for us to handle it .


CANDACE : Okay Leave it. (With sad face)

CHRISTY : Don't worry dear. To celebrate your discharge let's go somewhere to make fun .Okay?

CANDACE : Okay. but you need to wait for 2 days.

CHRISTY : No problem I always be there (she made a litte pinch on the candace face)

       Suddenly the three nurse entered the ward

1 NURSE : Excuse me madam we need to take the patient to ICU so please leave some space.

CHRISTY : What? ( shocked ) now only she shifted to the normal ward . why so  sudden?

3 NURSE : Mam, if you want to ask anything, please talk to the doctor. We are just doing our duty.

    Suddenly the Jason  (Senior doctor ) appeared .

JASON( Senior doctor ) : why you guys taking so much time? Don't you know how I am hectic is.

123 NURSE : ...

CHRISTY : Why are you taking her to ICU?

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : ...we need to scan her brain . Don't you know you friend had a heavy injure on her back brain. (With kidding smile )

CHRISTY : ....

    The nurses started to took the candace towards the ICU.


JASON ( Senior doctor ) : What do you think about yourself. who gave you permission to investigate without dean permission? Moreover it's your personal work.

CHRISTY : Did I need to get a  permission? JASON . (In seductive tune)

JASON(Senior doctor ) : ....(shocked ) (in his mind though * why she always talking like this *)

CHRISTY : I thought we are not in the place of formal .

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Hello madam! Just mind your attitude towards me, otherwise don't criticize for being rude with you.

CHRISTY : Oh really! I really love rude guy's. ....

   Jason earlobe started to get redish

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : *Cough * *cough * Excuse me

    He left the place immediately. Christy started to giggle , thinking about his reaction.

JASON ( Senior doctor ) :  (In his mind though : ♡What's wrong with her .If anyone did like this then, I am dam it sure I will rip their skin . But when it comes to her I can't do anything except blush. *SHIT * Come on Jason what happens to your stone heart♡ )


ANTONIO : Hey dude! Did you see that?

LUCIEN : What?(acting like don't know anything )

ANTONIO :The christy. ..and the senior doctor....

LUCIEN :Hey! dude it's just a conversation. .

ANTONIO : Just a conversation or ... ( with smirk smile )

LUCIEN :Maybe it is future. ..

    Suddenly Antonio neged his hand towards lucien inorder to show the seon's red face😠😠

ANTONIO : Come on! Let us give him a healthy drink.

LUCIEN :You mean some consoling  words .

ANTONIO : Of course! he is our friend . If we not then who will be?

LUCIEN : Yeah! You are right. Let's go.

ANTONIO : seon! Are you alright?

     Seon staring the empty place for so long where christy and the senior doctor made a conversation, with his grinning teeth, red eyes and with his clenched fist.

SEON :l am going to kill him.

ANTONIO : But seon . The doctor didn't done  anything wrong, please don't get mad on me but,she is the one who  tried to seduced him.

    Suddenly seon punched his face with his right fist. His face was blowing with fire.

LUCIEN : wow! The free advice price is much bigger than I thought  (with kidding laugh )

ANTONIO : Shut up! NO one is called you.

LUCIEN : But you are the one who called me to give some health drink. (By shrugging his shoulder )

ANTONIO:.... (Gave him a angry look)

SEON :Would you please stop it! Stupid idiots. Christy is my girl,she will never do these kinds of silly things. And I know her very well . She is not that sort of person.

LUCIEN : Don't be a lunatic. We are the one who saw that.

ANTONIO : LUCIEN....(Gaved him a warning look and he also made a litte shook over his head through left and right  as  '"don't talk "'.)

SEON: Never mind she is only belongs to me. Here after Don't talk like stupid .Got it (shouted )


SEON : There is limit for everything. There is also limit for our friendship.

ANTONIO AND LUCIEN : Hh!(shocked )

      Antonio and lucien gaved a painful gaze on seeing seon.but seon doesn't care about their emotions. Antonio unable to control his anger and pain due to that his eyes turned into redish.

ANTONIO :...yeah! You are right. Their is limit for everything,but I thought we are different from that but we are ...

    Suddenly lucien placed his warm palm on Antonio back

LUCIEN : Antonio !Do you know one thing .There are 3 type of friends
      Type 1: Friends for a reason
      Type 2:Friends for a season
      Type 3:Friends for a lifetime.

ANTONIO : uhh! (Suddenly hanged his head towards down on the sign of sad)

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