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JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Ah...well, I already took all the scans and tests, according to her results. I think that she had lost her memory till the age of 13 or 11.

JUSTINE : Is there any way to get back her long- losted  memories?

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : There is....but ... (with hesitation )

JUSTINE : But what?

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : It is very dangerous. Suppose if anything goes wrong then her condition will be worse than now. Which is almost equal to the mental patient's.

JUSTINE :....(sighs and he also made little scratches on his nose) What is next?

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Hey! come on dude don't feel down. Every cloud has as a silver lining. Did I told you that she is completely lost her memory? Hmm?

JUSTIN : (with Suprise )  mean....there is possiblity ?

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Of course! we have.

    Suddenly a smile across on the Justine face.

JASON( Senior doctor ) : yeah! but you can do some incidents which is almost related to her past. If we try this method maybe there is no chance for her full recovery but at least we can make her to remember a little bit .

JUSTINE : Even she doesn't remember anything ,I will not worry about that, Because I will try my level best to make a wonderful memories with her and also I have strength to protect her. 

JASON ( Senior doctor ) : Oh God! the dam lovers mind is so stinky. I can't believe it ! When Justine became like this? (mutters )

    When Jason turn to ask something he is not there, actually he already starts to approach the candace ward.


CANDACE : Christy! Where you went?  It's almost half an hour. I almost died with my hunger.

CHRISTY : You eat first I will tell you later.

   Candace starts to eat her porridge.

CANDACE : What happened?

CHRISTY: That dam seon! (With annoyance )

CANDACE : What? why are you cursing him?

CHRISTY : He is prevet. Actually He did me ah sexual harassment


CHRISTY : Yeah! He almost stolen my first kiss.

      Suddenly there was a knock on the door and the door was opened by the doctor's

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