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LUCIEN : Maybe we are in 1st or 2nd category, There is no chance for third category.

SEON : Huh ! ...please don't make any scene.

LUCIEN : Wow! (A smarting smile across on a lucien face ) You also know how to sting a person without a knife,especially your friends.

ANTONIO : It's enough  (with annoyance ) Let's leave ,see his eyes, he don't need us anymore.

SEON : ....

        They left the place with an enormous anger.


     After bought some medicines for candace. She starts to move towards the ICU. On her pathway ....

    Christy suddenly had a perplexed thought about candace. Apparently she bumped into someone.

?? ? : What are you dreaming about in the day morning christy?

     Christy slowly lifted her head to see that person.

CHRISTY : (Shocked ) SEON!

SEON : yeah !it's me.

CHRISTY : What do you want?why are you here?

SEON : If I tell , will you give that without any hesitation?

CHRISTY : It is depend upon what you are going to ask. Okay well, by the why are you here?

SEON : yeah, actually I camed here to inquire about candace health  condition.

   Christy gaved  him a suspicious look.

SEON : Why that look. Am I not allowed?

CHRISTY : Thanks for asking. She is fine,but how you managed to enter here?

     Since it is an afternoon 1:00 PM. Maximum doctors were went to have the lunch and only few of the doctor's and nurses were in the duty. Usually no one is allowed into the ICU, only one person is allowed to take care of  the patient . On that time there are some patients without companions, by using that chance seon entered into the ICU on saying that he was one of the patient companion.

SEON : ....

CHRISTY : What happened to you? Why are you blinking like a alien creature.

     Suddenly seon begans to move forward towards the christy.

SEON : you are smarter than I thought.

CHRISTY : ..... (perplexed look appeared on her face )

     With that perplexed look she began to step backward, until the wall obstacles her way.

CHRISTY : Seon! wh...what happ..happen to you....listen don't come near

  But seon not at all listen to her. Due to the nerves she dropped her medicine which was she holding on her hand. He seems engrossed in something. He placed his right hand on the wall next to her face, smilarly he placed his left hand on the wall  other side , next to her face .

CHRISTY : Are you mad! ( with extreme shock )

SEON : yeah! I am mad with you.

CHRISTY : get rid of from me otherwise, I will kill you.

SEON : You already killed me once with your gorgeous eyes, NO,NO,'re totally "drop dead gorgeous "

CHRISTY : Shut up! (shouted ) You pervert Alien...

SEON : Mind your words christy. I can't think any other girl except you.

CHRISTY : What? ( shocked ) so you are also thinking me in that way!


SEON : I told you get rid of from me, if anyone see us then it's not good at all.

    Christy pushed him back,but he didn't move even a inch. He has a very good muscles.

SEON : Come on christy save some energy. we may need some energy for our next level.

CHRISTY : Please let me go  (with tears)

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