Chapter 21 - Blinding Light

Start from the beginning

"Maybe we oughta get some dinner too?" Milena suggested.

Fred was already packing up his few things he had with him when he agreed to leave. "Anything to stop this for the night." Fred joked.

They both finished putting away their things and began to leave the library, passing by a few students left who looked like they were cramming as much as possible for their exams. They joined who was left in the dining hall near the end of dinner and enjoyed the food that was left. Angelina and George were still sitting with them, chatting away, though they had finished their dinner ages ago. As they talked for a while, Milena felt as though there was someone watching her, like someone was staring daggers into her. She glanced around the dining hall which had started to empty and noticed, sitting at the slytherin table was Ivan, whose bruise had completely fade now and he seemed to be glaring in her direction, but he wasn't glaring at her, his gaze was going just passed her at the boy sitting just across from her, Fred.

Milena didn't say anything and instead turned back to her friends, but Fred had noticed her turn and looked in his direction. His face shifted from laughing and smiling to a serious glare back at Ivan. Milena looked back again and noticed Ivan held his glare, but after a moment, turned his attention away from them and back to the other Durmstrang boys he was sitting with.

"What the hell is his problem?" Angelina asked, now noticing who Fred was glaring at.

"It's nothing," Milena said, "he's just some stupid twat."

"He's not just some stupid twat," Fred said, still glaring in his direction. "He's the reason I had to take Milena to the hospital wing."

"What?" Angelina said in shock. "Ivan's the one who gave you that love potion?"

"Yeah..." Milena admitted. She hadn't talked about it much after Fred had explained everything that happened. She still couldn't remember what had happened that night, but she figured that was probably a good thing. "That bruise he had on his face was all Fred."

"So that's why your knuckles were all bruised up," George said, "well good on you, Fred. He seems like a right prick."

"You don't know the half of it," Fred said, finally breaking his glare from Ivan. "I can't wait until he's out of here."

Ivan stood from his seat at the slytherin table along with a few other Durmstrang boys and shot Fred one more glance before leaving the Great Hall.

"I swear if he looks in my direction one more time, I'll hex him," said Fred, gritting his teeth.

"Okay, deep breaths, Fred," Angelina said, patting his shoulder once.

"I think it may be time to go back to the common room before Fred kills someone," George suggested.

"Probably not a bad idea," Milena agreed.

Fred took a deep breath, Ivan was now gone from the Great Hall and finally he looked back at his group of friends, a look of disgust mixed with anger on his face that was starting to grow red. He nodded in agreement without saying a word, clearly trying to bite his tongue, which seemed to be a struggle for him.

The group stood from the table and left the Great Hall, beginning their walk back to the common room. As they began their walk, they turned a corner and in only a brief second someone shouted something and a bright flash of light flew towards them, hitting Fred and sending him flying backwards into a wall. Without hesitation, Milena's wand flew out and she shot back the first hex she could think of.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" She yelled and a bright purple light flashed out of her wand. She heard a yelp and then something heavy hit the floor. About 10 feet in front of her was Ivan, lying on the floor, completely paralyzed with a look of confusion and fear on his face as if he didn't expect anyone to fight back.

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