- Chapter 13 -

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I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms and glaring across the table sarcastically at him.

"Oh come on that was funny!" Colby laughed, resting his elbows on the wooden table.

"Pretty sure that was the worst joke I've ever heard." I replied, rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"Shut up." Colby grinned, leaning back.

"Make me." I smiled, leaning forward and resting my arms on the table.

"I would if we weren't in public, my love." He replied lowly, leaning forward, keeping his face merely inches away from mine.

I held his gaze, arching my eyebrow challengingly. A smirk pulled on one side of Colby's lips, his eyes lowered for a second to glance at my lips, I found my eyes wandering down to his as well.

"Here's your bill, are we splitting it?" A waiter said, abruptly jerking both of us out of our moment. I smiled warmly to the waiter and leaned back, opening my purse.

"Sure we can spl-" I began.

"I'll pay for it." Colby interjected, holding out his card. He smiled warmly to the waiter, paying me no mind.

"I'll be right back." The waiter smiled, taking Colby's card and walking away.

"I can pay for my own meal, you don't need to pay for me." I sighed, closing my purse.

"Nonsense, of course I'm going to pay for you." Colby scoffed, shaking his head and crossing his arms.

"Fine, just this time." I smiled.

"And dessert." Colby added.

We walked along the pier, cups of Frozen Yogurt in our hands. I rested my arms on the railing, my eyes focused on the sun as it sank into the ocean, casting deep pink and orange colors across the sky. My hair flowed behind me in the breeze that smelled of salt and water, a bit of sea spray splashed my legs as the water crashed against the rocks below.

"Selena?" Colby murmured, after a long moment of both of us just watching the sunset together.

"Yes?" I replied softly, turning slightly to face him.

Colby turned as well to face me, he reached his hand out and rested it on top of mine, his thumb rubbing soft circles on the top of my hand.

"Would you, be my girlfriend?" He finally asked, after a pause.

"Of course!" I shrieked, throwing myself forward, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He let out a breath, wrapping his arms around my waist. I buried my face in his neck, he leaned his cheek against the side of my head as we just held each other. After a couple moments we pulled away, he cupped my cheek with his hand and guided me up to him, he planted a very soft and loving kiss on my lips.

"The roomates set up a party, so I'm really glad you said yes." Colby breathed, smiling down at me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I giggled, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ready to go back?" He asked, fixing a piece of hair that was blowing into my face.

"lets go!" I smiled, taking his hand and skipping down the pier, he laughed and skipped beside me.

The gate pulled open, the parking lot was packed with cars and people who had stepped out to get some fresh air. We parked, Colby shut off the car and paused, leaning back and looking over at me.

"Everything ok?" I asked, pausing with my hand on the buckle.

"Just admiring my girlfriend." Colby smiled softly, I felt my face turn red, I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

I walked towards the double doors of the mansion, Colby hurried up behind me, quickly grabbing me and picking me up bridal style. I placed my hand on his chest and looked up at him, he smiled down at me.

"Oh god Colby, don't trip." I laughed, leaning over to open the door, the door swung open.

Immediately I was hit by the smell of alcohol and weed, all of the roomates stood in the hall, waiting for us.

"YES!" Kat squealed, jumping up at down.

Colby set me down, the boys came running and tackled Colby. Devyn and Kat ran up to me and wrapped their arms around me, I laughed and wrapped my arms around their shoulders.

"Welcome to the club." Sam grinned, patting Colby on the back.

"Oh my god! All the roomates have girlfriends now!" Corey yelled, bouncing up and down.

I laughed, standing in between Kat and Devyn, they both had an arm around my waist.

"He better have paid for dinner." Devyn commented, shooting Colby a glare.

"And dessert." I smiled, Devyn nodded her approval.

"As he should." Kat beamed, before quickly guiding the three of us towards the kitchen.

The boys followed behind us, Kat poured us all some Vodka shots. Colby jumped up onto the island and reached his hand down to me, Elton had asked the DJ to pause for a minute, everybody in the house had stopped to watch us.

"To Selena and Colby!"

Authors note:
Sorry for the shorter chapter guys! I felt bad for the gap between now and the last chapter, so I just wanted to get something out. I've been super sick for the past month, and some things are happening in my personal life. So I'm so sorry about any gaps between posts <3

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