- Chapter 6 -

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!This chapter contains sexual content!

We sat silently for several seconds, which felt like an eternity. 

"I should be going..." I said, keeping my voice low as I stood. Colby's hand reached out and gripped my wrist, shocked I turned to look at him. 

"Stay." Colby said, looking into my eyes. Slowly he pulled me closer until I was standing between his legs, I stood frozen, a small grin appearing on his face. 

Colby pulled me down further until the hand he gripped was braced against the couch cushion beside him, and our faces sat merely inches apart. I quickly glanced down at his lips, which were still turned upward in a smirk. I know we both wanted to... 

"Fuck it..." I whispered, leaning into his lips, the kiss was more than I could ever imagine. 

His hands found their way to my waist, gently but with force he pulled me onto his lap. Stradling him we continued to kiss, each one growing in desperation. My hands trailed down his shirt, running across his abs, I found the edge of his shirt and began pushing my hands underneath. We broke apart for a moment as his shirt lifted over his head and found its way to the floor, I felt his cold rings slide up my back, lifting my shirt, which then accompanied his on the floor. Our tongues danced with each other in our mouths, his hands pushing my hips down onto him. My fingers found the waistline of his jeans and delicately followed the hem until I felt the button, with a smoothness I didn't know I had my fingers undid his pants. Struggling briefly his jeans fell to the floor as well, soon followed by mine. I began kissing down his jawline and onto his neck, my hands wandering down to find his hardness, as I began to rub my hands along him his head tilted back and a small groan escaped his mouth. Smirking I continued to kiss his neck and tease him, swiftly his hands moved up my back and unclasped my bra, which then fell to the floor. Trying to remain in control I kissed down to his collarbone, and slowly down his abs, sliding myself onto the floor as I did so. I continued to kiss his abs, leaving small marks, as my hands slid his boxers off. Now completely exposed I felt his body tense underneath me, my hand wrapped around his cock as I began to stroke it, starting off slow but beginning to quicken. 

"Fuck..." He groaned, one hand gripping the back of the couch while the other found its way into my hair. I couldn't help but giggle a little as I continued working on the hickey I was leaving on his stomach, he chuckled lowly, his hand leaving my hair to find its way to my chin. 

He lifted my head to look me in the eyes, his blue eyes were filled with a lust I had never seen before in anyone. I'm sure my eyes reflected the same. He led me back up to his lips, this time he kissed me very softly, more passionate than hungry. Sharply his hand gripped my waist as he flipped me onto my back, laying flat against the couch with him on top of me. His lips found their way to my neck and along my collarbone, his teeth grazing along my skin as I felt the suction of his mouth. One hand held my wrists above my head, while the other traveled down my burning skin and hooked my panties, pulling them off with ease. I kicked them to the floor, his hand slid down, his fingers circling my entrance. I whimpered slightly, trying to hold back the moan that threatened to escape. He smiled through his kisses along my neck and chest, his fingers slid into me, forcing them down to the knuckle. A moan left my lips, my head tilting back and my back arching away from the couch. 

"Shhhh..." Colby mumbled, connecting his lips to mine in a deep and breathless kiss. 

I wasn't quite for very long... His fingers began to thrust in and out of me, in a rapidly quickening pace. Causing moans and whimpers to leave my body almost continuously, my back arching more as he quickened. I felt myself growing closer and closer to my climax, my hands gripping the couch as my breathing quickened. He thrusted hard and I climaxed, my body trembling as I moaned loudly, my back laying flat against the couch again. He kissed my lips softly, his fingers leaving me to circle my clit again. 

"Holy shit." I breathed, my chest rising and falling dramatically. 

Once I had regained my strength I slid out from under him and pushed him back into a sitting position, his face looked confused. I slid to my knees on the floor, taking his cock in my hands as I stroked it. He had an expression of realization, his hand gripping into my hair as my tongue ran down its side. I circled his tip with my tongue, keeping eye contact before I took the tip in my mouth and began bobbing my head. He broke the eye contact, tossing his head back and gripping the couch with his free hand. I went further down and began quickening my pace, his body tensing as groans escaped him. The grip he had on my hair tightened as I quickened my pace more, every muscle in his body flexing with each bob of my head. 

"Oh fuck." He moaned out, every muscle tensing, he gripped the couch until his knuckles turned white, as he climaxed into my mouth. 

I went back to gently sucking on his tip until his climax was over, I sat back as his hand fell out of my hair, I swallowed a couple times before running my thumb along my lip to pick up some over flow. He lifted his head back up to look at me, his eyes glowing brightly, his breath coming in gasps. I went to stand and practically collapsed back onto him, his hands gripped my waist to try and support me. I giggled looking into his eyes as I laid on his chest, after several minutes he slowly moved me onto the couch so he could stand, he then scooped me up bridal style and walked us upstairs. He walked down the hall and into the bathroom, where he set me down on the counter and flicked the light on. Only then did we realize the damage we had done to each other, I had red marks all down the left side of my neck and left collarbone, and he had red marks that were already turning slightly purple covering the left side of his neck as well as scattered along his stomach. He leaned forward and kissed me gently, filled with care and passion, not lust, he pulled away and walked over to turn on the shower, he walked back over to me and rubbed my cheek. 

"I'll bring you something to change into. You can sleep here." Colby smiled, I simply nodded, feeling drained after all of that. 

He walked out of the bathroom, closing the door gently behind him, I slid down off the counter and used the corner to support my weak legs that were still trembling a bit.  I walked over to the shower and stepped in, after a couple minutes the door creaked open and Colby set a shirt on the counter before closing the door again. I rinsed off before walking back out and getting changed, his shirt was big as fuck on me and fell below mid thigh. I used his brush to brush out my wet hair before using my hairband to throw it into a messy bun on top of my head, I then slowly opened the door and stumbled out. Colby walked out of the room to my left and reached for my hand, taking it in his he kissed the top of my hand and smiled. 

"My rooms right here, I've already picked everything up downstairs and put it in the laundry, I'm just going to take a quick shower and I'll be right in there." Colby explained, kissing the top of my head before closing the bathroom door behind him. 

I walked into his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed, I looked over and saw that my phone was already sitting on his nightstand, I picked it up and started just messing around to kill time. Soon enough he walked back into the room with nothing but a pair of sweatpants on, he was still toweling off his dripping hair. 

"Oh wait one more thing." Colby said, hanging the towel up on his closet door before hurrying out of the room, I sat up confused, after a few minutes he walked back into the room with two bowls of ice cream and some cheeze-its. 

Colby handed me a bowl before reaching over and grabbing his laptop off his desk and setting it down at the end of the bed, he then sat down beside me and smiled.

"Thank you." I said smiling, I wasn't sure how to act or what to say after something like that. 

"It's the least I could do, now, what movie do you want to watch." Colby asked, turning on his laptop. I giggled and selected a movie, laying back against his headboard eating ice cream and cheeze-its until about three-fourths of the way through the movie. I had finished eating and was laying with my head on Colby's stomach, my hand tracing circles on his abs, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, we were both drifting off to sleep. Closing my eyes I exhaled, feeling more comfortable than I ever have in my life. 

"I care about you a lot... I hope you know that Selena." Colby mumbled, sleep deepening his voice. I figured he thought I was asleep, so I simply smiled, keeping my eyes closed. 

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