- Chapter 11 -

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Groaning I rolled over, my arm stretched out, subconsciously reaching for Colby. After a moment of not being able to find him I opened my eyes and sat up, stretching I glanced around the room. Colby was nowhere to be seen, the sun was visible through the window. I climbed out of bed, I was still naked, I threw on one of Colby's hoodies, the soft fabric fell about mid thigh on me. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and one of his t-shirts, I grabbed my panties and walked towards his door. I opened it and headed into the bathroom, Sam's door was shut and I could hear Sam clicking his mouse, so I figured he was editing a video. I set my clothes down on the bathroom counter before knocking on Sams' door. 

"Come in!" Sam replied, I opened the door slowly and stepped into the room.

"Oh hey." Sam said, turning in his chair to look at me, he took his glasses off and ran his hand through his hair.

"Hey! Sorry to bother you." I smiled, leaning against the door frame.

"No bother. What's up?" Sam asked, smiling back at me.

"Have you seen Colby? He wasn't there when I woke up." I asked.

"Hmm. Yeah he grabbed his keys and headed out somewhere like half an hour ago." Sam replied, checking the time on his phone.

"Ok sweet thank you. I'm going to hop in the shower real quick." I nodded.

"Sounds good." Sam replied, turning back to his computer. 

I stepped back out of the room and closed the door quietly, I went back into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. 

Colby's POV 

I parked in the parking garage, I reached over into the passenger seat and grabbed Selena's keys. I got out of my car and walked towards the elevator, checking the key for what floor to go to before pressing the 3rd floor. I waited impatiently, I felt bad for just abandoning her without a word. I cared about her so much, every moment of every day I thought about her. The doors opened, I walked out into the hallway and wandered down the hall, the walls were a dull purple color and were lined with dark gray doors. Eventually I found the right door, I pulled the keys out from my pocket and unlocked the door, glancing over my shoulder before opening the door. I walked in and shut the door behind me, I glanced around taking in the apartment, the place was a bit dull, and didn't have as much decor as I thought it would have knowing Selena. Though she had only moved in a few weeks ago, I walked across the living room and into her bedroom, I took my backpack off and set it down on her bed, I walked into her closet and picked out some clothes to shove into the bag. I looked around and found some other things to pack as well, perfume, make up, hair brush, tooth brush, etc... Once I had gotten some stuff I zipped up my bag and threw it back over my shoulder, I walked back out into the hall and locked the door behind me. Eventually I made it back to the car and began driving back to the mansion. 

On the way I decided to stop by McDonalds and get Selena some breakfast. Her favorite; some nuggets with honey and ketchup, a strawberry milkshake, and a medium fry. After getting my order I drove back to the mansion, I parked and grabbed all of my stuff before walking up to the door. 

Selena's POV

I walked downstairs, my hair still damp. I headed into the kitchen, opening the fridge I began browsing my options for breakfast. Colby still wasn't back, but I wasn't too worried about it. I heard the front door creak open, I closed the fridge and opened one of the pantries, reaching for a cereal box. I felt arms around my waist and a kiss against my neck, the smell of his cologne seemed to lull me into a calmness. That peace was broken by the smell of McDonalds, I tilted my head away from him and turned towards the island. There was a McDonalds bag sitting on the counter, I smiled and leaned my head back against Colby's chest. 

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