- Chapter 7 -

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I slowly opened my eyes, sunlight filled the room, I was instantly disoriented. I breathed out a sigh realizing where I was, my hand was twined with Colby's, he lay behind me with his arm over me. I laid there drinking in the moment, until Colby rolled onto his back, sliding his arm off of me. I sat up and slowly crawled out of bed, quietly I opened his door and headed down the hall. I stopped at the top of the stairs, hovering my hand above the railing.

"I don't know Sam!" Kat cried, clearly stressed out.

"Ok ok. Run me through it again." Sam said, trying to remain calm.

"I went to her apartment to pick her up to come back here so we could film..." Kat started, I could hear her pacing around.

"But she wasn't there." Sam finished, sighing.

"And she won't answer her phone!" Kat gasped.

"It's going to be ok Kat, she'll turn up." Sam reassured her.

"I'm scared Sam... She's my best friend." Kat sighed, I smiled a little as I placed my hand on the railing. I walked down the steps and looked up to see Kat and Sam standing in the kitchen hugging each other.

"Good morning to you too." I yawned, stretching as I walked over.

"Oh my god Selena!" Kat squealed, running over and hugging me tightly.

"Sorry to scare you." I giggled, Kat pulled away and held her hands on my shoulders, I prepared for the lecture I could see was brewing.

"Oh my god Selena..." Kat said, her facial expression changing drastically.

"What?" I said, taking a step back and looking around.

"Nothing!" Sam interrupted, walking over and putting his arm over Kat. Kat covered her mouth with one hand, I squinted at them and walked over to the sink to get some water.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs followed by a loud gasp from Kat and an outburst of laughter from Sam.

"What is it now??" I asked, turning around with the glass in my hand.

"Oh my god!" Colby and I gasped in unison, Kat stood with her hands against her mouth while Sam braced himself against the counter gasping for air. I set my glass down and hurried past Colby and into the bathroom, I flicked the light on, Colby hot on my heels. I froze staring into the mirror, my face turning bright red.

"Oh my god..." Colby whispered, he stood shirtless beside me, his neck and body littered in deep purple hickeys. I stood, his shirt hanging off my body revealing the almost completely purple left side of my neck and some of the purple marks that covered my collarbone.

"Colby!" Kat yelled, laughing hysterically and swatting him. I covered my face in his shirt, laughing with them.

"So that's what that noise was last night." Someone commented, I peered over to see Corey standing in the hall.

"Oh shut up Corey." Colby laughed, Sam walked over and gave Colby a high five.

"Good luck covering that up with makeup." Devyn laughed, peering around Sam and Colby.

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