- Chapter 4 -

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I was cut off by the high pitched ring of the REM Pod, I spun to look at the device. Crouching beside it was a young girl, she wore a hospital gown that fell below her knees, her blonde hair was messy and her blue eyes were filled with a permanent sorrow. I slowly reached over and grabbed my camera, facing it towards her, I looked through the view finder but the camera couldn't see her.

"Hello?" I whispered, slowly setting down the camera where it could see me and her.

The girl slowly stood up and as she did the REM Pod stopped, her eyes looked into mine and her facial expression remained neutral. I crouched down on one knee to be more level with her, I had seen spirits before yes but nothing like this. My skin crawled as the girl stepped forward, slowly beginning to realize I could see her. An image flashed through my mind, it was of the girl she sat on a hospital bed as a man hooked up a machine to her head. I could feel her fear and pain coursing through my body, her screams still echoed in my mind as I spoke.

"You weren't supposed to be here were you?" I asked softly, the girl slowly nodded.

"She doesn't give off anger... Just sadness." I said, speaking to the camera that sat on the floor beside me.

"Who's so angry?" I asked the girl, my voice gentle not wanting to scare her. The girl's emotions shifted drastically from sorrow to fear, she turned quickly before vanishing. I stood up quickly and looked where she did, I saw a large shadowed figure standing in the door way. It's red eyes burning into me, it's emotions flooded over me. Pure anger.

"Oh fuck." I murmured, grabbing the camera I quickly shoved all of my equipment into my bag and threw it over my shoulder. When I looked back up it was gone, I turned quickly to see it standing behind the chair I was just sitting in.

I hurried out of the room, I looked back as I rounded the corner.

"Fuck!" I yelled, getting sent to the ground. My camera flew out of my hands and landed on the floor a foot away facing me, I threw my arm up over my face as I looked up.

"Selena??" A male voice replied, I didn't recognize the voice. I turned my flashlight onto the person to see... Him.

Colby's POV

After getting some Taco Bell we all gathered on the side of the road to start the intro. Me, Sam, Brennen, Aryia, and Cindy all stood on the sidewalk as Sam started filming. 

Before I knew what was happening we were hurrying through the neighborhood that surrounded the Abandoned Hospital, we spent some time looking for a hole in the fence. I crawled through, my shirt catching on the fence. 

"Damn." I cursed quietly, tugging at the fabric.

"You good?" Sam asked, turning on the flashlight to look back at me.

"Yeah all good." I replied, pulling myself onto my feet. 

Sam flicked the flashlight back off as the group walked into the bushes, slowly we looked around for a way in. 

"Pssst!" Brennen hissed through his teeth, I looked over to see him waving at us. I hurried over with Sam hot on my trail, Brennen nodded towards a window frame that was left uncovered. 

"I'll check it out first." I whispered, placing my hands on the sill and hoisting myself up. I swung into the building and was instantly struck by a chilling breeze, I pulled a flashlight out of my back pocket and turned it on. Looking around for a second I saw nothing and no one, turning back I lifted myself back up into the window. 

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