"And you know what's good for me? You're going to take me away from my family and my life just to satisfy your needs? Don't you find that selfish?"

Alexander leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and his chin on his palm. This position made him look even more threatening.

"And your decision to reject me for no reason was not selfish? You did what you wanted without taking into consideration who you're harming in the process, now I'm doing the same thing. I guess we're not different after all."

Fuck him, he's good.

"I won't let you do this."

"Oh, really?" Alexander taunted. "And who's going to stop me? You?" Andrea has never wanted to punch someone so bad. This was against all her plans, he wasn't supposed to show up like this.

"Alexander, think about what you're doing." Andrea said gently.

"Oh, I've been thinking about this for a year since you left me, the only reason that I haven't kidnapped you is because I still hoped that you would come back by yourself, but it seems that I will have to force you to stay with me."

What frightened Andrea the most was the fact that Alexander didn't yell at her, he didn't snap or shout, he said all of this in a low, cold tone. As if he had really been thinking about doing this for a long time.

She started shaking her head. "No."

Alexander's head snapped towards her and he gave her a sharp look. "What?"

"I said no. I won't come with you."

Alexander slowly got up and started walking towards Andrea as she resisted the urge to back away on the chair. "You don't really have a say in this, sunshine. You are going to come back with me to the pack and you are going to forget whatever it was that made you want to leave me in the first place,"

"Actually, I do have a say in it. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to leave my life behind and you should fucking know me enough to know that you can never control me like this."

He took a deep breath before squatting down until he was at eye-level with her. Being in such close proximity to him made her feel claustrophobic, so she tried to get up, but he stopped her by holding her waist in his big hands.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" Andrea tried to wiggle out of his hands but his grip only tightened until Andrea was sure that he was going to leave a bruise.

"I'm being reasonable." Her voice barely a whisper. She couldn't help but gasp when Alexander pulled her closer and nuzzled his head in her neck. "We can't keep doing this we'll only hurt each other more."

"So you think we should never see each other again?"

His tone was neutral. There was no anger or blame. That small part of her panicked at the thought of never seeing him again.

She could only nod her head.

"If you hate me that much, then why is your heart beating so fast? And why are you blushing? If I'm that repulsive, why does doing this—" He suddenly pulled her close until there was barely an inch between their bodies, "make you gasp?"

"Stop." She muttered, pushing him away.

He raised an eyebrow. "What? Am I making you too uncomfortable?"

She just stared at him. She stared at the boy that had become a man in the span of two years. A man that is cunning enough to lead.

"I'm not going to submit to you like everyone else in your pack, Alexander."

"Wanna bet?"

Andrea's gaze didn't waver. She wanted him to know that while he might have become an Alpha in a year, she has also turned stronger. "Take me home,"

He only watched her with an infuriating smirk on his lips.

"I guess I'll just walk," She snapped.

She didn't make it two steps before he was grabbing her arm.

"You don't go anywhere unless I tell you, got it?" His voice was a calm murmur, but his firm grip on her arm and his defensive stance behind her conveyed the message.

"Cute. You think you can go all alpha on me,"

"Andrea," He snapped. "We need to solve this once and for all."

She turned around to glare at him.

"And you think kidnapping me will do that? You think taking me away from my family is the perfect fucking solution? Just let things fucking be!"

"No! I'm going to fix this even if you don't want me to because I know you're hiding something. And it would be better for the both of us if you just fucking tell me."

"I can't. Just let it go, Alexander. Let this go."

It hurts too much.

Because standing in front of him and looking at the determination in his eyes while knowing that she did not deserve it after rejecting him and leaving him made her guilt only worsen. She was unworthy of him, she really was.

"I won't. You know I won't. Just tell me." He took a step closer and cupper her face in his palms. "Just tell me,"

Tears were already starting to cloud her vision, but she blinked them away and focused on her green eyes. The eyes that gave her comfort when she broke her arm in fifth grade. The same eyes that greeted her when they had sleepovers in ninth grade where they just cuddled all night.

"It's too complicated."

"Uncomplicate it,"

"I can't," Andrea shook her head and closed her eyes because she just couldn't stare at him anymore.

She felt him let her go and opened her eyes.

All emotion was wiped from his face. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to keep you here until you're ready to tell me everything."

Andrea panicked, her mother would flip out when they find out that she's gone, Josh would probably start stapling "Missing" notes all over the town.


"Your room is the one on the second floor, the usual room." Alexander interrupted her in a dismissive matter and took out his phone.

"You can't do this!" Andrea yelled with frustration.

Alexander looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow. "Watch me."

Andrea wanted to knee him in the family jewels, but she knew that he wouldn't budge, she had no other choice than to listen to him.

She just let out an angry sigh and walked up the stairs, there was only one option for her.


Rejecting AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now