Thor feels like he's the reason for Y/N being taken as well. He's always felt that way. Y/N came to him on that day and told him she wanted to go to bed. He was more interested in getting his winnings than taking her to bed. If he would've taken her to bed, would it have made a difference? What if he let her fall asleep in his arms instead of taking her to her room?

Since the day she was taken away from them, Thor has always felt like it was his fault she was gone. He was told that Pepper took her to bed then a few hours later, Y/N was discovered missing. His first thought was that it was his fault.

He should've taken her bed the second she said she wanted to. If he would've taken her, then she wouldn't have wandered off and have Pepper put her to bed. If he would've taken her, she would've asked him to tell her story and he would've stayed with her. If he would've taken her, maybe she would've never disappeared. Now he wonders if he would've stayed, would Pepper never have gotten the chance to give Y/N to Hydra?

He feels responsible for everything that happened to Y/N from that night on. He feels like he's responsible for her being taken, everything that Hydra did to her, everything that has happened since they've been in Beacon Hills, and everything that has happened to her that they don't know about. He's responsible for every bad thing that has happened to her because he couldn't just collect his money later from some men who meant nothing than take a tired Y/N to bed.

It's not rational. Even if he could've prevented Hydra from taking her that night, that doesn't mean Pepper wouldn't have just done it again at some other time. He shouldn't blame himself for something that wasn't his fault but that's not how he sees it. He also shouldn't blame himself for everything that happened afterward, but he does.

Natasha feels like she should've fought harder for Y/N. When Y/N first showed up at the Avenger's compound, Natasha was the one to find her. She was on her nightly run around the compound grounds when she heard a baby crying. At first, she thought she was imagining things but as she got closer to the gate the crying became louder. When she finally got up close to the gate, all she could see was a baby carrier sitting on the other side of the gate.

She quickly opened the gate and moved in front of the carrier to see a small baby crying and a note taped to the handle. She looked around to see if she could see anyone that might have left the baby there but there was no one around. Nat picked up the carrier and brought the baby back to the compound.

When she walked inside, everyone turned to her when they heard the crying. She placed the carrier on the kitchen counter, and everyone quickly gathered around to see what was going on. Steve was the first one to pull the baby out and start rocking them gently in his arms to soothe the crying. As the others watched Steve and the baby, Natasha explained to them what happened before opening the note.

I don't want her.

It was just those four words. There was no explanation or anything else. No other papers or something to identify who the baby was or where she came from. Just I don't want her.

Tony wasn't there at the time and the others started thinking about what they wanted to do with the baby. She looked like she was only a month or two old. Steve had gotten her to calm down but now everyone else was freaking out because they weren't sure what they wanted to do. They didn't want to just throw her into the system, but no one was ready to be a parent yet either.

Clint already had several kids, and he was about to have another, so he wasn't willing to take her in. Wanda, Bucky, and Bruce felt like it would be irresponsible for them to take her in as they didn't even have full control themselves. Thor had responsibilities and a life that wouldn't be great for a child from Earth. Sam wasn't ready for a child, and neither was Steve.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now