Why would Y/N want to stay in Beacon Hills when she has the Avengers as a family? They could protect her better than he ever has, and they could give her everything she has ever wanted. He almost killed her and the rest of their friends not too long ago. Why would she want to stay to constantly be reminded of that? They've had multiple friends drop dead or move far away from Beacon Hills within the last two years. Why would she stay? Is she even happy here?

She has Derek but Derek would move anywhere with her if she asked him to. The Avengers have money, connections, power, and more. She would never have to worry about bills or anything with them. She doesn't have to worry about that now either with her job and Derek, but she'd be even more well off with them.

Noah was thinking some of the same things Stiles was thinking. Would she be better off with the Avengers? He's trying so hard not to think of something like that because while he knows that she's an adult and kids tend to move away from their parents as they get older, they don't tend to move away to a whole new family. He has always been her dad and now she has another one. Stiles is her brother and now she has another one. She didn't have any aunts or uncles and now she has a lot of them. Would she think they are a better family than the one she has now?

Noah had no idea that she knew who the Avengers were. He doesn't even know how long she's known. When she first walked into the apartment, they hugged, and she told him she was going to go for a quick shower. It was Derek who informed him that the Avengers would be joining them, but he didn't elaborate any further. They didn't say anything when they walked in, so he didn't know why they were here.

Tony stands up from his spot on the floor and slowly walks until he is standing in front of Y/N. She can see the unshed tears trying to fall from his eyes. It's almost as if they want to fall but he's not letting them. "Can I hug you?" Tony whispers, his emotional turmoil present in his voice.

"Yeah," Y/N whispers back. She doesn't make any moves as he hesitantly wraps his arms around her and gently pulls her into a hug. He's almost shaking from holding himself back from tightening his embrace as if he's scared that it would break her. Y/N looks up to the ceiling to avoid catching anyone's gaze and wraps her arms around Tony and hugs him back.

That's when he breaks. He thought he had broken when they found out that she was alive or when they found out Hydra had her but it's evident that they were only cracks compared to the final break. Y/N tightens her grip as Tony's legs become numb and almost collapse beneath him. The tears that were trying not to fall were now streaming down his face as all his emotions crashed into him like giant waves. He knows he should question why she lied earlier but it doesn't mean anything now.

Everyone watches silently as Tony cries in happiness and relief and anger and pain. The Avengers have their own tears slowly falling down their faces as they watch the father-daughter reunion. They know they will all eventually get their turn, so they don't dare interrupt the moment.

After a few moments, Tony starts to pull away from Y/N and wipe away the remaining tears, "I'm sorry for that."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Y/N feels like she should've called him dad or something but she's not quite ready for that. She also doesn't want to hurt him by not being genuine or hurt her other dad by calling him that.

Steve stands up quickly as the words she spoke earlier finally process in his head, "Wait, you said you remember about the night you were taken?" Any emotion he was feeling a few seconds ago was gone and he was completely taken over by anger. She could answer the questions they've been asking themselves and others for years. This is what they've been waiting for forever since she was taken.

Tony takes a small step back away from Y/N as she answers Steve's question, "Yeah, I remember a lot about the night I was taken. Even though it was so long ago, when my memories came flooding back to me, it really stuck out and it's something that I now remember so vividly."

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now