Y/N has always been there. He's not letting these people come in and take her away because he can't lose her like they lost their mom. He knows that she wouldn't be dead, but it would never be the same.

"How do you know all of this?" Lydia questions Stiles, sitting down next to him.

"He used to be obsessed with them. He hasn't been for a few years, but he's still kept up with them." Scott informs her, lying down next to Y/N.

"I didn't want this to happen," Y/N mumbles quietly. "I was going to tell them eventually, but I didn't want to say anything yet. I know they are probably going to have expectations and want to be really involved in my life and everything but I'm not ready for that. They are basically strangers to me, and it doesn't matter what they say but my life is here. I feel bad for them because they thought I was dead but I'm not a child anymore. My life is here and they're going to have to deal with that."

"Since your memories came back of them, did any other memories come back?" Lydia asks.

"Well, only a few memories came back of them. I was three when I was taken and I'm pretty sure the only reason I have any memories of them is just pure trauma because I vividly remember a lot of the time I was with Hydra. I remember being taken away from Hydra and I remember mom being the witch that put the blocks in my mind." Y/N states. She wishes she could go back to a few days ago when she was just Y/N Stilinski, and she couldn't remember to physical and psychological torture Hydra did to her and the other kids.

Derek nudges Scott to move over so he can lie down next to Y/N. As he lays down, Lydia lays down next to Stiles so they are all lying down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. It's been a long forty-eight hours. Hell, it has been a long few years. From Scott being turned into a killer alpha to a killer kanima to an alpha pack and human sacrifices. They had to deal with Stiles being taken over by a nogitsune and now they must deal with everything going on now. Who decided to pay hunters to kill off the supernatural when they've been doing that for free for years?

Y/N doesn't know what she wants to do. If she doesn't tell the Avengers, they will be the ones to come to her when her name is all over the internet and the news. If she tells the Avengers, she must deal with whatever comes from that. She saw how they looked at her at the distillery. They are looking at her like she's the same little girl that was taken from them.

The worst part will be telling them it was Pepper who sold her to Hydra. She doesn't even know why. She can just remember Pepper finding her on her way to her room because she was tired and decided she didn't want to fall asleep at Peter's party. Pepper told her she'd take her to bed after she drank some water because she "looked a bit pale." Something must have been in the drink because her limbs stopped listening to her and the world started to move and become a bit fuzzy. Pepper picked her up and carried her outside probably thinking the drugs had fully kicked in, but they hadn't.

That's when she saw Rumlow. She saw him approach Pepper in a dark hoodie and two other Hydra agents behind him. They spoke quietly to each other before Pepper passed her over to one of the agents and she never saw her family again, until now.

How do you tell someone that? She knows that Tony and Pepper are divorced because Stiles had mentioned something the other day after they ran into them at the restaurant, but she doesn't know why they are. She doesn't know if it was because of issues before she was taken or if their grief was too much for each other. She doesn't know what their relationship is that they have now. How will this news affect him and the others? How would anyone react to the news that someone they trusted was the reason for their child's pain and suffering?

Will they even believe her? Most people refuse to see the bad in others because they refuse to believe they could ever do anything bad. You want to believe that the people you trust in your life are good and could never do anything wrong. It's why so many disgusting people are going through life with no consequences because people refuse to believe that you never truly know the people who are close to you. When you only want to see what you want to see, you will never see the truth.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now