Invasive Questions and Fingers

168 14 4

⚠️CW: Disfigured face, Descriptions of past disfigurement, Sexual questions⚠️

While Giorno touched the plane, checking for lifeforms, your head rested in his other hand, staring boredly at the runway.

"There's nothing on this plane, not even a roach" Giorno informed, taking his hand away from the jet and turning his body around, making you look at the two teens in bizarre outfits as Giorno placed his hands back on your cheeks.

Supporting you in his hands, he walked towards the plane, when suddenly Narancia started shouting.

"There's an approaching dot!" He shouted, looking at the CO2 marker as it approached the jet.

Looking towards the dot, Mista saw a rectangular man approach, staring at them head-on.

"Hey! Stop right there!" Mista yelled at the man, dropping your severed leg and raising his gun.

"Careful with my leg!" You complained, making ghost hands rise from the foggy floor and hold the rectangular man still. "There, now kill him already".

"He could just be a regular old guy, if he doesn't need to be shot, he shouldn't have to be shot," Mista said, pointing his gun loosely at the man.

"He looks like a slab of meat, that's not an ordinary person" you commented, making Giorno cup one hand under your zipped open neck for support, the other cupping your mouth to make you shut up.

Grinning, the rectangular man summoned his stand, making Mista repeatedly shoot him in the head, making him sack backwards to the floor.

"Huh, that was easy" Narancia commented, looking at the man's body.

As your fog flooded over his body, you felt for his soul, feeling nothing there.

Under Giorno's mouth, you muffled your confirmations, only to get ignored as Giorno walked over to the dead guy.

Crouching down, Giorno let go of your mouth in favour of touching the dead guy's body.

"He's dead, he has no soul," Giorno said, making you look up at him the best you could, from where you rested in front of his stomach.

"You can detect souls too?" You asked, seeing him look down at you and nod.

"Giorno!" Mista called from the jet, "I know you're jealous of my stand, but I am amazing at what I do. Don't doubt me".

"...Sure" Giorno replied, straightening himself and walking back to the jet, your head resting on his right arm. "I just don't like how easy that was. It's unnerving".

"Psh, you're so paranoid," Mista said, walking up the stairs into the jet.

"I don't know, he could be right," you said as Giorno walked up the stairs behind Mista, "I had a friend who was super paranoid, but his suspicions were proven to be right".

"Well no one asked you did they, newbie," Narancia said from behind Giorno.

Irritated, you glared at the floor as you made a ghost hand appear from the fog trailing out of your neck, flipping up your middle finger at Narancia.

Behind you, he laughed, amused at your annoyance.

"Alright, that's enough," Bruno said, appearing out of the cockpit, "Leave her alone. While she is under watch, she is meant to be supposed help".

"Okay..." Narancia whined, sitting down on one of the plane's seats.

Giorno placed you down on the second row gently, letting your head rest on the plush seat. He sat on the front row, behind a freezer. Mista sat on the row beside him, and two rows back was Bruno, beside him being Trish.

As the plane ascended, Aerosmith flew beside it, constantly checking for anything unusual.

Behind you, Bruno and Trish talked as you listened in to the relevant information.

Bored, Narancia saw you staring ahead at Giorno's seat, and decided he wanted to bug you.

Walking down the aisle, he picked up your head and sat down, turning your head to face him on his lap.

"What do you want?" You asked, preparing yourself for his shit.

"Are you really ugly or something?" He asked teasingly, playing with the strap of leather connected to your face plate as you stared at him blankly.

Grinning, you tilted your head to the right, showing off more of your face plate. "Dunno, some people find it hot, others are grossed out".

Intrigued, Narancia looked around your head, seeing the dial the straps connected to. Turning the lock, all straps but one disconnected, letting the plate fall off your face.

Tilting your head back to look at your ugly mug, he was met with the horrific sight of your mutilated face staring back at him.

The skin over the left side of your face was so thin, he could see the red flesh underneath shimmer. You had a thin layer of skin under your eye, simulating an eyelid, but you could still see your entire eye through it. The lack of a left cheek let him see into your mouth through the gap in your jaw, and he could see the entire left side of your teeth.

"Had a good look?" You asked, grinning at his horrified face.

Reeling back his shock, he pulled your head up closer to his face, looking at your cheek close up. "How do you eat and drink? Wouldn't it fall through?".

"There's a thin piece of skin there, so no, nothing falls out" you explained, the thin layer of skin stretching as you spoke.

"Well, what if someone stuck their dick in there?" He asked as your face scrunched up. "Your husband has bound to have done it. Can you see it through your jaw?"

"Is that seriously the second question you ask? You don't even know my name. What happened to 'hello'? Or 'how are you?'" You said, disgusted at his crude question.

"Just answer it, I'm curious" Narancia nagged.

"Well, first of all, how would you know if my husband has stuck his cock in my mouth? We could have done sexual acts, we could've not. Is sexual desire really necessary for a loving relationship?" You asked him, seeing him think about it, "Also, it's none of your fucking business. I understand you're a teen, but damn learn some manners" you chastised as Mista started shouting at Giorno for putting chicken scraps in the freezer.

Standing up, Bruno looked at Mista freaking out and Giorno crouched in front of the freezer.

"Is there something I should know about?" Bruno asked, walking down the aisle.

Narancia curiously stood up, holding your head in his hands as he looked into the freezer, inside being human fingers.

Narancia is definitely the person with no filter to his questions

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