Jean Loves Hygine, and You Love Tea

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Fluff because I'm currently ill so I thought some recovery fluff is needed

Also, its come to my attention that grammarly is absolute shite. It keeps changing my 'wondered' to 'wandered', and makes other mistakes in my work. Im bad at grammar, so i used grammarly to help, but clearly it's sabotaging me.

So if you see any mistakes in my work, please correct me. When this book is finished, ill go back and edit the series's mistakes.

Another few days had passed, now you were sitting beside Jean, who rubbed his head as he groaned.

"Man, I missed being human" he groaned out, running a hand through his greasy silver hair as you watched.

"We can finally bathe you, thankfully. You stink" You snickered, watching his lips form a pout as he blew a strand of his fallen silver hair away from his mouth.

"It's not like I could've washed my body while stuck as a turtle" Jean replied, clawing at his oily scalp distastefully.

"Suppose that is true. Sorry, I honestly forgot" you said, placing your hand on his chin and feeling his prickly white stubble.

"Please," he huffed in sarcastic annoyance, making you huff out a smile as you stood away from his bed.

"I'll go run a bath then. Don't go dying on me" you joked, turning around to give a short wave as you walked to the bathroom.

Dropping his hand down from the short wave he gave back, he stared at the door you had left through. For the past few days, Jean had been in his human body, bed-bound. His robotic legs had weakened from not being oiled, therefore he was stuck without them for the time being.

Sighing, he ran his fingers through his greasy hair, annoyed that it wasn't gelled up. He felt filthy with how the dead skin on his arms peeled.

Before he could continue his thoughts, you entered the room again, dressed in a tank top and some sweat shorts. Your hair was also styled out of your face via a hair tie/hair clips.

"Bath's running" you smiled, walking towards him and pulling the duvet off his sat form, revealing his lack of lower legs. Gently, you scooped him up, holding him against your chest as your arms wrapped under his thighs, your other arm around his back.

"I bought some lavender bath mix at the store a week ago. I put some in your bath, so the water should feel silky and relaxing" you said passively as you walked towards the bathroom, Jean resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Thanks, Cherie" he mumbled, enjoying the feeling of your skin against his. Since he was stuck in a tortoise for ages, he had grown physically starved of touch. Feeling your skin against his gave him sweet comfort.

Creaking open the bathroom door with your back, you closed it with your foot, then placed Jean on a stool you had prepared beside the bath.

Turning around, you locked the bathroom door, then turned back to the bathtub. Placing your hand in the filling tub, you felt the temperature, deeming it hot enough for Jean.

"Alright, let's get you naked" you teased, wiggling your eyebrows at Jean as you tugged his shirt off, making him chuckle with a small blush.

With his shirt off, your eyes looked over his weaker body. His abdominal muscles had decreased over the years, now having a softer appearance than the steely ones from his youth.

Carefully, you tugged his pants off, underwear included. Out of respect, you averted your eyes away as soon as his underwear was gone. No point staring at something you didn't intend to use at that moment.

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