Biggie Cheese

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I feel I should mention something important

I use ⚠️CW⚠️ for non-canon violence, such as Y/n's scars or injuries. But when it comes to canon violence, like Mista shooting someone, I won't put content warnings. Since you have already seen/read this in the actual JJBA series.

"Sorry guys, I'm probably seeing things" Mista apologised after Giorno double-checked the fingers weren't animate or a stand.

"No, no, it's completely alright to be on guard," Bruno said, comforting Mista as he looked inside the freezer. "To be safe, let's remove the freezer".

"But how, we're moving really fast in the air," Narancia said, making you thankful your body was dismantled, so no one could see how much you were shaking from fear. Even after all these years, you're still scared of planes.

"Well, I'll have to zip open a hole in the plane," Bruno said, making everyone hold on to somebody. Well, except you.

Left on the floor, you prayed to whatever God there is that you didn't fling out of the plane when it opened.

Thankfully, that God was Trish, who scooped up your head into her arms as she clung to the back of a seat, trapping you between her and the seat.

Even though the plane was zipped open and the freezer was thrown out, no wind rushed through, making everyone sigh in relief.

"Thank you," you said, smiling up at the girl as she held you level to her chest.

"Oh, no problem," she said, her voice quiet as she looked over your revealed face. It didn't disgust her, not one bit.

Gently, she placed you back down on your original seat, then looked around the plane for your body.

She could see the zipper hanging from your neck, and she could see the spirits that came forth from everyone's bodies, but she had yet to tell anyone.

Collecting your arms, she placed them on the floor beside your head, then explored around for your torso and legs.

Watching her, you saw how focused she looked trying to find the rest of your body, which made you smile at the warmth that flooded your heart.

'What a sweet girl' you thought, watching her come back with your torso, which she struggled to hobble over.

As best she could, she lowered your torso next to your arms.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where your legs are," she said, crouching down beside your head, looking over your appearance.

"It's alright, thank you for your kindness" you smiled, seeing her look back and forth between your face and the prosthetic that sat beside you on the seat.

"...Do you want that back on?" She asked, pointing slightly at the prosthetic with her pink manicured nails.

"Please," you said, watching her pick it up and look over it, figuring out how it works.

Tentatively, she placed it over the left side of your face as you shut your eyes, to not pressure the girl. Figuring out where the straps go, she wrapped them around your head, clipping them in at the back, and slowly adjusting the tightness.

"Is this alright?" She asked as the dial clicked with every adjustment.

"Yep, it's tight enough," you said, making her stop adjusting it, instead adjusting the faceplate to be comfortably in place.

"Thank you" you smiled, opening your eyes to look at the kind-hearted girl.

"It's nothing" she muttered, standing back up and sitting on the seat across from you.

A few moments later, Giorno started making panicked sounds as he fell to the floor, clutching his arm. As everyone looked, curiously, Mista used his fast reflexes to shoot the blob of flesh off Giorno's arm, also shooting his arm off in the process.

"Quick Giorno, come back here and make yourself a new arm!" Mista commanded as Giorno shuffled backwards, but stopped when he saw the flesh stand grow agitated.

"Mista, are you alright?" Bruno asked, seeing Mista start shaking.

"Yeah..." he said, blood squirting from numerous places on his body, "It's's caught four of my bullets".

There inside the mass of the fleshy stand, four of Mista's bullets were screaming for help as they got absorbed, the remaining two screamed helplessly at their friends dying.

"Alright, that's it, Aerosmith!" Narancia called out, his little plane flying past him and shooting the mass of flesh.

Suddenly, it sprung forth, chasing Aerosmith as Narancia shouted he couldn't go any faster.

Having your suspicions about the enemy stand, you had fog emerge from your neck, coating your surrounding area slowly. At a slow pace, ghost hands emerged, piecing your body back together and zipping them shut. Your head was next, being picked up from the chair and lowered to the floor, connecting to your neck.

Slowly moving your head to look back, you saw you were still missing your legs, making you huff in annoyance.

Soon after, Aerosmith was captured, making holes appear in Narancia's body as he screamed.

"Quick, Trish!" Bruno called out to the frightened teen, who crouched behind a seat, "Run to the closest!".

Shakily, she had a mental battle with her brain and body, until finally her body cooperated and ran to the closet.

As soon as she started running, the mass of flesh pounced towards her, only to be met with a shield-like hat as it clanked against its surface.

If the stand had just sat on B.I.B.R's hat, you would've taken no damage. However, it quickly started devouring her hat, making your head gush blood as your head flopped to the floor.

Trish stopped, her body hesitating to enter the closet, especially after seeing you injure yourself for her. So as a compromise, she hid behind the seats on the last row, watching your skeletal stand shine, not deterred from protecting her, even though the pain must be unbearable. She couldn't help but look over its appearance, it radiated such morbid beauty. It was so contradictory, yet it worked together perfectly.

Noticing you were trying to protect Trish, Giorno had Golden Experience start punching the air rapidly, making the flesh stand pounce on his only good arm.

"Giorno, what are you doing?!" Bruno yelled as Giorno punched out a window, causing the pressure to decrease as everyone started skidding along the floor to the open window.

As Bruno gripped onto a seat, Giorno let his arm hang out of the window, a glass shard stabbing his arm. You were on the floor, grabbing onto the metal bars that connected the seats to the floor.

"I'm gonna cut my arm off! Before Notorious Big can come back in!" Giorno shouted, also revealing the stand's name.

"No don't! We need you to heal! Pass it to me instead!" Bruno shouted, trying to convince the righteous boy to not sacrifice his arm.

"No Bucciarati, the stand is already creeping up my arm, I have to do this now!" Giorno said, pushing his arm down enough for the glass to sever his arm off, at the same time one of his ladybug brooches fell to the floor.

"No, Giorno!" Bruno yelled, slamming a tray over the broken window, and grabbing an unconscious Giorno.

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