Failed Attempts and Reminiscence

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Decided it would be better to tell you all, the final arc is upon us. Brace yourselves.

"I'm sorry Jean, negative again" you sighed, watching his face deflate for the millionth time as you stepped out of the bathroom.

It has just turned the year 2012. You were amazed you even got into the 2000s, let alone 2010's. Over the years, you noticed your face grow tired, and your hair grey more and more.

"Maybe...Maybe I thought about it too long. I'm sorry dear, but I don't think it's gonna work" you said, standing in front of the sitting man.

"We can't give up," Jean said, playing with one of his earrings, "Tons of people struggle to get pregnant. We just have to keep trying".

"It's been three years!" You said, exasperated as you sat next to him, placing your head between your hands, "Sorry...I think I must have low fertility or something...either me or you".

"Well, that's pretty obvious," Jean said, resting his head on your shoulder, "But tons of people get pregnant even with low fertility. We have a chance".

Sighing, you dragged your hands down your face, letting them rest on your cheeks. You had been researching this earlier in the day, anticipating another negative. Unfortunately, you had found articles that explained that older women, and women with low fertility, will have a higher chance of miscarriage too, due to abnormal egg cells.

You wondered if you should tell Jean, or if that would break his heart unnecessarily. You were scared too, despite knowing Jean loves you to the moon and back. What if he had enough and decided to leave you for a younger woman? Childhood dreams affect people a lot, so it wouldn't be too arbitrary to think he'd leave you over having a low chance of birth.

Ring! Ring!

Interrupting your thoughts, you looked over at the landline phone on the table. Sighing, you stood up, making Jean huff as he watched you pick up the phone. He wanted to rest on you...

"Polnareff residence," you said, holding the phone up to your working ear as you leaned against the dresser.

"Hello, this is The Speedwagon Foundation," the man behind the phone said, making your eyes widen for a second before relaxing.

"Yes, hello," you said lowly, a slight edge to your voice as you readjusted yourself to a stand.

Jean noticed this, making him stare at the phone, wishing he could see who was on the other end. You were nervous, that he could tell.

"Sorry for interrupting your evening Mrs Polnareff, but by special request of Joseph Joestar, you and your husband are asked to fly over to America".

"Whatever for?" You asked, the worry nicking at your voice as you glanced at Jean, seeing his equally nervous expression.

"Unfortunately we cannot say over the phone, people may be trying to tap in. However, it's Code 333. You may look that up in the Code Book we gifted you, or you can find out when we pick you up".

Rooting through your dresser, you listened to the Speedwagon employee state that a jet would fly you over to America. While you rooted, Trish entered the room, and upon seeing both your faces, she quietly sat next to Jean.

As the employee talked about you and Jean being needed at the American Centre for something urgent, you flicked through the Code Book, landing on Code 333.

Code 333: Suspicious activity strongly related to Dio

Feeling yourself grow pale, you sat down haphazardly as you slouched over.

"-so, the jet will arrive in two days. Prepare your belongings, and yourselves. We already know your location, so we will pick you up from your home".

"...yeah" you breathed out, listening as the employee hung up.

Shakily, you dropped the phone, letting it be caught by the attached cord as it bounced beside the dresser.

"Amour?" You heard quietly beside you as a rough hand directed your head to rest on Jean's shoulder.

Gulping, you forced your eyes away from the phone, instead looking up at Jean's blue eyes. You noticed Trish beside him, concern plastered on her adult face.

"...Dio's back..." you whispered, "Or at least his minions are".

Feeling his heart drop, Jean felt cold sweat soak his back as he felt his eyes sting. Seeing your own tears caused his to set free, both of you silently crying in each other's hold.

Trish could only watch, feeling her own tears bubble with empathy. She had heard stories of Dio, after all, that's the guy that had half your face torn off. It had come out that Giorno was Dio's son, which explained all the times you had panic attacks when alone with the blonde.

What shocked her was finding out you didn't know about Giorno's genes. It was the primal fear that caused the panic attacks, not because of Giorno. It was because of his vampiric genes attacking your resolve.

Carefully, she rested her head on Jean's shoulder, feeling his other hand come up and rest on her back.

She had grown up with her mother, but you and Jean had helped her grow into the rising pop star she is today. She remembers the first few months of living with you and Jean - she had felt awkward, and secretive. Even pouring herself a bowl of cereal felt unnatural, since she was using your stuff.

But you were both so welcoming. You never judged her for anything, in fact, you encouraged her judgemental attitude, especially when it came to romantic partners.

"If you dislike them even the slightest bit, dump their ass. You deserve the Earth and more, don't let anyone drag down your sparkle".

Jean helped her by finding the best hair products, and the best scents to bathe in. That's how she found out Jean was the one with the large collection of bath bombs, not you, as she had thought.

When she had to transfer schools, she was only picked on once. That day had ended with the bully crying because Trish had completely destroyed his self-esteem with her sassy nature. She was called in to see the principal, along with her "parents". She still chuckles to this day when she thinks about it. The principal's arguments were completely dismissed by you and Jean, leaving him a sweating mess as the buff man and woman sat by Trish's sides.

You both encouraged her passion for singing and music, even getting her the best tickets for her favourite band, the Spice Girls. You both helped her out when finding the best microphones, and the best vocal coach.

She had formed a band with some friends from school, her being the lead singer. Since the guys in the group were squeaky teens with voice cracks, Jean was actually the low-octave singer on the sidelines.

You both supported her and let her be the pop star she wanted to be. Every concert she had, guarantee you and Jean would be there cheering her on the loudest.

At first, she remembers both you and Jean being serious and grumpy. But when she had been living with you for 10 years, she saw the real you, and the real Jean. You both loved each other dearly, and only argued over important stuff, rather than argue over petty things. You both did harmless pranks on each other, including Trish if she wanted to be a part of it. You both would take strolls along the fields, or Beautiful I.B.R would carry Jean as you hiked up the mountains. Despite being a hothead at times, you were pretty patient when it came to those you love. Like when you spend hours each day helping Jean learn to walk with his prosthetic legs, never once getting annoyed at his failed attempts.

Hearing yours and Jean's sniffles brought her back to the present. Stretching out her arms, she wrapped them around you and Jean, bringing you both into a group hug. She wondered why two good people had to live their lives tortured...

Little Authors Note:

How would you like the final arc to be formatted? Into 4 manageable chapters, or 2 large chapters?

Also I'm posting the last batch once a day. Feels stupid to make you all wait 3 days per chapter when they're just sat in my drafts.

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