Chapter 14

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Once the timer hit zero, everyone slowly went outside, Yuki stood up and walked behind the gang, she tapped Kurapika's shoulder which made the male look back at her.

"Let's talk after the exam...privately." She said making the male confused before nodding. She then walked towards Gon and Killua.

"Hey, Yuki. What do you think the next phase is?" Gon asked, Killua only stared at her. "I don't know nor do I care about it." She said.

A short male with a pink mohawk walked in front the applicants, after introducing himself as the examineer for the third phase and explaining the fourth phase, Yuki noticed majority of them tensed.

They were asked to pick a card with their target's number by order in which they finished the previous phase. Hisoka went first, next was the needle man and then the bald ninja and Yuki.

"Ms. Wisteria." The examiner said bowing slightly, Yuki nodded at him before taking her card. "Just Yuki is fine." She said before walking back to the group.

"Ne, Yuki is your last name Wisteria?" Gon asked, Yuki nodded. Lippo, then instructed them to take the peel of their cards. Yuki saw the number 80 on her card and immediately glanced at the red haired woman with shades.

A sniper? Alright, I guess. She thought.

The applicants boarded a ship to zevil island, the atmosphere was tense you could cut through it with a butter knife.

Yuki leaned over the railings, watching the waves crash agaisn't the boat. She obsevered the island, they were too stay at for one week. Scanning from the distance where would be great spots for certain activities like camping.

"Hey, Yuki mind telling us your target?" Gon and Killua asked, " applicant no.80. Woman with sniper." Yuki answered before turning around to face the boys.

"Woah. Do you by any chance know which this one is?" Killua asked showing his card. Yuki nodded.

"Oldest sibling,among the Imori brothers." She said glancing at the trio far from them.

"Thanks. Did you memorize everyone's number?" Killua asked, "I have perfect memory." Yuki answered making the two boys shock, and Gon yelling.

"You have perfect memory?!" Gon's voice gained everyone's attention, Yuki saw this and blankly stared at them before sighing.

"Who's your target Gon?" Yuki asked, Gon looked both nervous anf excited which made Yuki slightly curious.

"He got 44. Hisoka." Killua said, Yuki's eyes widen for a moment before she patted Gon's head. "I wish you the best of luck." She said.

"Man, even Yuki pities you for having him as your target Gon. Now that'd badluck." Killua said teasing Gon, who glanced back at Yuki.

"Do you think I'd do well?" Yuki thought for a moment. It terms of power and everything else Hisoka has it in the bag, but his personality is what makes it managable.

"Catching him by surprise should work. In terms of power, skill and experience he wins. But with his personality....well you'll manage." Yuki gave her honest opinion making Gon slightly happy, that the older female thinks he'd do well.

"Just remember, someone will also be hunting try not to focus on one side too much." Yuki said leaning back on the railings.

Soon enough, they arrived at the shore of zevil island. One by one with two minute interval the applicants walked in the island.

Hisoka was about to walk in the island when he approached Yuki, who raised her brow at him.

"Let's have a one on one fight later shall we?~" Everyone on the ship paled at the jester's words, they all glanced at the two unmoving.

"...sure, just let me find my target first then we can have a spar." Yuki said, shocking everyone else.

"Did she just agree to fight Hisoka?! Is she crazy?!" They all thought apart from a some individuals.

"How delightful~ very well, I look forward to our spar." Hisoka said before walking into the forest. Next was needle man, then bald ninja and finally Yuki.

"Goodluck Yuki!" Gon yelled, Yuki waved them goodbye before walking inside the forest. She immidietately sensed a presence nearby, but seeing as it was not hostile she let them be.

"Time to hunt, I guess." She said before fixing her glasses.Walking in the forest with her guard up, she recalled when her target would go in the forest.

So after counting down the seconds via parallel thinking, she jumped up a tree and waited for her prey to pass by, which they did.

Yuki decided to follow the woman for a little while till she found her own target which was the needle man. Once the sniper was in position, Yuki suddenly appeared behind her and slammed her head to the ground, blood ozed out of her head.

Taking her target's badge, she glanced at the needle man who was staring at her direction.

Illumi or the needle man, felt someone following him for a while, and what was odd for him was a smaller presence was following his supposed hunter. Their presence felt too small, almost as if there was no one there.

Soon, he heard someone's skull cracking, glancing at the direction which the sound came from, he saw a red haired woman laying face on the ground with blood coming out of her head and a boot on top of the dead woman.

Lifting his gaze, he was met with strange blue eyes and silver hair. The girl looked back at him before walking forward, Illumi once felt the girl's bloodlust from the second phase when Hisoka told her something.

As much as he hates to admit it the girl was indeed a threat, was it something he could handle? He doesn't know, mostly because he never saw her fight before.

"Hey, have you seen Hisoka?" The girl asked tossing the badge of her prey up and catching it over and over again.

"Not yet...I'll be meeting with him shortly though." Illumi said, the girl nodded before putting the badge inside her pocket.

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