Chapter 2

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"Third, never ever try and take that collar on your neck off. Never break any of these rules and you'll be fine." Smith said patting Yuki's head.

"...Can I ask something?" She hesitated, Smith nodded and waited for the girl to speak. "Why am I here?" She asked, Smith glanced at her and at the nurse who remained stoic.

"Hmm..Yuki, you are very lucky to be chosen to be here…I can't tell you where this place exactly is but as long as you are a good little girl you'll be okay.Think of it like school, you'll learn a lot of things here." Smith said, Yuki nodded and didn't ask anymore afraid to be punished.

To her, as long as she survives whatever they make her do then it's fine. Her survival was her only priority, she will prioritize herself and only herself.

Smith motioned the nurse the start, the nurse begun placing a steel rod with a bag of unknown liquid inside a plastic bag attached to it. She then held the little girl's hand and carefully injected the tip of a needle connected to the bag.

Yuki winced in pain, but quickly calmed down when Smith patted her head again. "For now, rest and don't move to much. Feel free to sleep or read some books." Smith said before standing up and motioning the nurse to take her leave.

Yuki watched the two adults walk out her room before she carefully laid back down her bed and just sleep. She felt tired and a burning sensation was felt all over her body lulling her to sleep.


Yuki felt her body burn all over, it hurts a lot but she couldn't move much. She couldn't call for help, so she decided to just fight the pain by sleeping. Even if she dies from it, it'd be painless in her opinion.

It didn't took too long for her to wake up sweating bullets with what felt like a fever. Her breathing was a unstable as she glanced around her dim room.

Was it night? She doesn't know nor does she care at the moment. She wants the burning sensation to stop, wiping the sweat on her forehead, she slowly felt sleepy once again.

Letting sleep take over once more, she lost conciousness. The next morning she was woken up when she felt a cold hand ouch her, jolting awake she glanced at the nurse form before.

"You have a fever…here eat this and drink some medicine before going back to sleep."the nurse motioned on a bowl of rice porriage, Yuki slowly pointed at the water bottle and the nurse handed it to her.

She drank half the bottle before eating the rice porriage, once she was finished she drank bitter medicine and slowly fell back to sleep.

This continued for a whole week, till Yuki stopped feeling the odd burning sensation. It was still hurting from time to time but mostly because she often moved the arm with the needle on it while reading a book to cure her boredom.

Smith came in the room to see whether or not did she survive, since one of the other four children was getting worse in terms of condition.

He glanced at Yuki who was focused on reading another thick book.
Smith wondered how a mere three year old cpuld comprehend such difficult books, but remembered what the lady said from before.

"Yuki, loves reading…she also has good memory,she memorizes a lot faster than other kids and some adults…although she gets bullied because of it.."

Smith walked towards the preoccupied girl, stopping right next to her. As soon as Yuki saw a shadow loom above her she glanced up and quickly placed her book mark on the page of her book.

"Hello, Mr. Smith." She greeted the man who only nodded as he looked at the pile of already read books.

"How many more books do you have left?" Smith asked, Yuki looked behind her and saw about half of the shelf was now empty.

"20 more I think sir." She answered, Smith nodded before glancing at his watch. The same nurse whose name is still unknown entered the room and took the needle off Yuki's arm.

"Report to Dr. Zed the results asap." Smith said and told the nurse to leave the room, "How are you feeling?" He asked, Yuki paused for a moment before answering.

"I'm okay, it hurts to move my right arm sometimes but everything else is okay." She answered. Smith stared at her tired brown eyes before nodding.

"Just rest for now, and remember the rules." Smith said before leaving, he only came in to supervise the children to see if they survived the poison resistance training.

So far, none had died yet which made him sigh in relief. He knew how the boss had high expectations for this batch of test subjects, although he couldn't personally see it yet, he choose not to doubt the boss's insight.

Yuki spent everyday for the past month in her room, with different liquids being injected in her body being changed after several days.

She spent most her time reading books and meditating like she had always down back at the orphanage.

Sometimes she'd feel pain all over her body and sometimes nothing at all. Her body was slowly getting accustomed to the different kinds of poison that entered her system.

Despite not knowing why she was doing this, she never questioned. Survival was her only priority at the moment, nothing else.

Everyday she was fed three meals consisting of different dishes each day.Something she previously considered a luxury.

After one whole month, she had read all the books in her bookshelf and had nothing else to do but sleep or read the book again.

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